Oh sh*t!

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Tae^^: a week later

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Tae^^: a week later

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"We need to talk, can you and Ranae meet me at the mall?"

"Aight but where at?"

"Imma be outside, in the front"

"Aight we'll be there in 20 minutes"

"Aight see you in an hour"

"Haha stfu"

I hung up and went to Ranae's room, she was sitting on her bed talking to Savion who was also sitting on her bed.



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"Uhm sis c'mon Jadah needs to talk to us" I said

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"Uhm sis c'mon Jadah needs to talk to us" I said.

"Oh okay, bae you wanna come, you can bring your homeboys and meet up with us after our talk" Ranae suggested.

He smirked and stood up, "aight bet" he said pulling her into a hug grabbing all on her booty.

"Ewww" I gagged, "bitch stop hating and go find Isaiah ugly ass" she teased.

I rolled my eyes and walked out going down stairs making a bee line to the kitchen, I found some cookies and started doing my happy twerk (am I the only girl who twerk when she finds some good ass food)

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