September, 1993

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THE NEXT DAY, Liv made it her top priority to get straight with Draco. She wasn't scared of him like the every other third year seemed to be, her father was a werewolf, for merlins sake! And she wasn't unsettled by his sly comments, either. If she was scared of anything, it was the fact his ego was so big – and for what? His head was also big, scarily big for his body, and it really creeped her out. Especially as he hadn't yet shown signs of a brain being in there. But, she had a plan, she wasn't sure if it would work, but she'd make sure it was clear to her cousin that if he even breathed a word about her father – whether it be Remus or Sirius, he'd find himself with Liv's foot kicking him forcefully between the thighs.

Liv saw Draco, his collection of Slytherin mates scattered everywhere around him as usual, right outside the great hall. Liv had planned to head to breakfast first and then catch Draco outside their first class, but now would have to do. It was a shame for Draco, Liv wasn't someone to be pissed off on an empty stomach. Before she knew what she was doing, she'd quickened her pace and pushed past the first pair of Slytherins in the way.

"MALFOY!" she yelled. "We need to talk,"

The Slytherin's had already began to snicker, a god awful noise in Liv's opinion – like a group of hungry hyeenas. Draco breifly pulled himself from the wall he was leaning on with his infamous 'im about to say something insulting' smirk, and strode towards Liv himself.

"Alright, noodlehead?"

Liv pushed him so hard in the chest he fell back against the wall again with a small 'thud'.

"I hate every fucking inch of you," Liv said so quietly that even Pansy, who always seemed to be glued to Draco by the waist, couldn't hear, "But, please! I need you to not tell anyone!"

"Tell anyone what, you psycho bitch?" Draco spat, trying to shake Liv off. She pushed on his shoulder once more, and he fell back against the wall again.

"Sirius! And my Dad – anything you know about me, you need to zip it!" Liv said, still holding him back with force.

There was silence. The Slytherins were staring suspiciously, and at one point Pansy Parkinson tried to discreetly shuffle closer. Liv saw, she frowned at her – pulling out her wand that was safely tucked in the hem of her skirt and pointed it at her until Pansy backed away further than she had been stood before. Satisfied, she turned back to Draco.

"Mother's sworn me to secrecy,"

"Oh," Liv frowned, "Okay then – well, listen to your Mummy, okay?" She'd let go of him now, she'd forgotten about the Slytherin audience, apparently Draco had too, for he'd only now pulled himself together and shoved Liv straight in the chest.

She'd by lying if she said she handn't contemplated punching this boy straight in the face, Remus had always taught her that violence was not the answer, but maybe he would make an exception for someone like Draco. Liv shook her herself out of it the moment Remus did infact appear by her side – she'd make a mental note that right outside the great hall was not the right place to start a fight.

"Everything alright?" Remus questioned, as a couple of the Slytherins quickly walked away.

Liv's stomach twisted. "Yeah, fine,"

Only Remus could make Liv feel guily about messing with someone like Draco, only because the thought of disapointing him hit harder than Draco's weak shoves. Liv looked to Draco. She wasn't sure what he was going to do, because, really, Liv had started the whole thing. But he simply muttered 'fine' and strode off into the hall with Pansy at his heel.

Remus smiled at her, she returned a half-arsed smile back, because smiling was the last thing she felt like doing right now, and watched him follow Draco into the hall, where the chatter of breakfast was nearly as loud as the strong smell of bacon and eggs. Liv gave a moment so she wouldn't be on Remus' tail, and finnaly entered the hall herself.

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