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I open my eyes and I'm in a white room, I think is a hospital.

"Welcome back Ms.Rachel." A blonde doctor said to me smiling.

"Thanks, what happened?" I asked confused.

"2 days ago you were admitted here at the hospital, you had a heart attack." She said.

"I hate when this happens!" I said and she giggle. "Wait, 2 days?"

"You heart was really tired, really really tired when you got in here, so we put you in a induced coma." She said.

"Oh, what's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Dr.Stevens, but you can call me Izzie." She said smiling.

"You're so nice." I said smiling to her.

"Thanks, you're really nice too." She said smiling.

*Knock Knock*

"It must be Puck, this was the first time that he left your side since you got in here." She said smiling. "Bye Rachel."

"Bye Izzie." I said smiling to her and she left and Pucks come in with a ship with roses.

"Hey bestie, how are you?" He asked me smiling.

"I'm feeling like shit." I said to him and he laugh. "Everyone still hates me at school?"

"I don't know, I didn't went to school. But I'll go today, and hell that club will hear a lot from me." He said and I laugh.

"I'm so lucky for having you as my friend." I said and we hugged. 

"Now I really need to go, but after school, I will come over and tell you everything." He said. 

"Bye Noah!" I said to him.

"Please get some rest." He said and I giggle.

"I will, now go to school." I said and he left.

Hours later

I wake up and the room is empty, I'm so bored then a Dr. walk in my room.

"Good Morning Ms.Berry, I'm Dr.Yang the doctor responsible for your case." She said.

"Dr. Yang, please don't call me Ms.Berry, call me Rachel." I said smiling.

"So Rachel, I'm here to talk to you about your disease." She said.

"Oh, I already know about the cardiomyopathy." I said to her "But the last time I went to the doctors they said mine wasn't that bad."

"When was the last time you went to the doctors?" She asked me.

"About 6 months ago." I said.

"Rachel, your condition wasn't that serious but now, it is. You've been so much stress lately and that affected your heart very badly, I really recommend that you get in the UNOS line, and wait for a heart." She said with a sad look.

"W-what?" I said with teary eyes "I'm only 17." 

"I'm so sorry." She said.

"I need a heart transplant?" I asked her.

"If you want to live, yes." She said.

"Dr. Yang, can you promise something?" I asked her. "Promise that you would do everything in your power to make me survive." 

"I promise I'll do my best." She said.

"Thank you." I said and she left.

I keep here alone on the room, I can't sleep and I have no one to talk when suddenly my dads walk in. 

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