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The ringing of my phone woke me up again and I felt like hitting something from the constant intrusion, I just wanted to sleep and be left alone. I took my phone from the table and answered the call from Trent, I was glad it wasn't from Dave.

"Open your door," Trent said and ended the call.

I went to open the door and the first thing I saw was a tier of cake hitting my face. I became blinded by the icing and I screamed before wiping my eyes with my palm. When my lid became clear of icing, I saw the girls walk past me into the living room. They were wearing matching sets of silky, black robe. Whose funeral were they attending?

"Trent, we're too old for this," I said in annoyance. "Why are you guys here?" I closed the door with my hip and sat beside Zola.

"We saw the news. New boyfriend, new scandal. You just can't stay away from musicians, what's your attraction with these bad boys?" Trent asked.

"This is worse because you're pregnant for the loser. Why would you do that to yourself?" Bym asked.

I stared at Amaka and she shrugged. "You had one job. Keep quiet, don't tell anyone and you couldn't follow through," I said.

"This is a completely different situation. Everyone was worried when we saw the news, I had to tell them," Amaka said.

"We're here to cheer you up," Zola said trying to break the staring contest happening between I and Amaka.

"With a cake all over my face," I replied, turning to look at her. "Consider me cheered the fuck up."

"We didn't plan that, it was a celebratory cake for the baby but you know Trent," Zola said.

Trent whipped out her phone and took several pictures of my face.

"No, Trent," I said, but she giggled.

I went to the kitchen and cleaned my face then got several plates and forks before joining the girls in the living room. They were all sprawled on the floor. What was left of the cake was on the table, so I passed the plates and forks to Trent and she cut pieces of cake for everyone.

I could see their eyes boring into me as I ate my portion of cake. They were waiting for an explanation.

"Why are you acting weird? You're so used to people cheating on you that you don't even look bothered," Bym said suddenly.

"And you tweeted that everyone should mind their business. I sense a pattern already, Jade. This was the way it was with Kola, you made excuses for him till the very end," Trent added.

"Guys, I'm not dating him so you can all shut up with your judgmental selves," I said. They could have simply waited for an explanation instead of already tearing me apart.

"Oops, someone is hormonal," Bym said in a sing song tone.

"Don't start." I eyed her.

"We aren't judgmental, just concerned friends," Zola said gently.

"What exactly is going on? You say you're not dating him but there are pictures of you cozying up to him and you're carrying his baby, make it make sense," Amaka asked.

And that was precisely what I did. I told them about the deal with Yah before talking about Chike. They started annoying me by constantly interrupting.

"Why would you buy clothes for a man when he never asked?" Trent was asking incredulously when I got to the part where I got Chike clothes. "Boredom or what?"

"I learnt my lesson, can I finish?" I asked and tucked my legs in.

"Carry on," Bym said eating my story up.

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