the boys next door (janoskians fanfic)

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I'm rachel elizabeth romly I'm 17 and I live in australia. I go to a pretty shitty school, but I try hard. I want to do well becouse I understand that you need to do well in school so you dont end up on the streets. I hang out with the bad boys at school. Well there not bad there just kinda stupid and funny so most people like are group. im the only girl in the group, they except me becouse im just like them, I like to do stupid with them but they respect I'm a girl and they know not to be to annoying around me but there great. We had a youtube canal called the janoskians which was pretty big, well i was not in it that much, i did the challanges when you needed a even number and i helped film, but it was just funny to watch.

I have known luke, jai and beau since i was about 3. We get on so well, its like we are siblings. Daniel and James are there best frinds so i grow up with them as well but were not as close.

About a year ago I moved house for a year becouse of dads work. I rebelled, I did not want to move away from my friends. That's the only time I cryed infont of them, ever. I spoke to them most days but after a while i grow distant from them apart from Luke, he would always talk to me. but it has been a year and we are moving back to the area, im going to the same school  which is great. I hope they have not changed.I was texting luke and he was so exited.

L- omg i cant wait to see you, ill come to your house when you arrive, i missed you so much xx

M- i missed you to, can't wait

L- well its okay, your coming back to us now

Mum called me from down stairs to leave for the car to drive to are new house.

M- ill see you in a couple of hours, im going in the car now ly xx

i sent the message and ran down stairs and jumped in the car. my brother got in the car next to me. He looked a lot like me, people though we were twins even though he is older than me. the journey was five hours long and I was not in the mood for talking, so I decided to try and sleep.

I'm excited to move. I'm excited to see the boys but I'm also excited to see are new house. Its meant to be by the river and beautiful. Mum did not like me being near the boys, apparantly there were a bad example to me and have changed me. Dad did not seem to care, but he was never here anyway. He did not tell us we were moving until 3 days before which was great. I slowly fell asleep with mum and dads voices in my ears and the buzzing of the tiers on the floor.

I woke up as matt nudged me.

" Rachel wake up were here" he said as the car pulled up and I saw luke jai and beau standing at the door and jai's face lit up when he saw me. I jumped out the car and he started running towards me.

"rachie" he screamed as i jumped on him and he span me around. it felt so good to see him again.

" thank god your here, jai would not shut up about you: beau said as he hugged me.Luke smiled at me and poked my side which made me giggle.

"i missed that laugh" he said and lifted me up and hugged me.

" you have grown" jai said and nuddged me.

"other things have grown" beau said and I hit him which made his eyes look up back at mine.

I was always short but i had grown almost the same hight as jai. i went to grab my case but jai grabbed it and luke grabbed my back pack and carryed them in to the house for me.

" okay what do you want your being really nice to me" I said they put my bags down in my room.

" a kiss" Luke said and made a pout face at me and came towards me

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