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Chapter Four

Andi's POV

"I wish we could lay here like this forever." I whispered.

"Me too but we have to go downstairs right now." Luke replied standing up.

"Alright." I replied giving in and getting off the bed.

We walked downstairs into the lounge where everyone was.

"Have fun?" Beau smirked as Luke sat down pulling me down beside him.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I replied smiling.

"Eww." Daniel replied screwing up his face making us all laugh.

"Luke, want a game of FIFA?" Jai asked.

"Sure." I replied grabbing a controller.

Luke's POV

Jai and I had played a few games of FIFA as everyone else watched and talked.

Just as Jai won another game, that clearly would have been mine if he hadn't cheated, Andi's phone started ringing.

I watched as she picked up her phone and looked at the caller i.d. and saw it was Leo.

"Hi Leo." She said as she answered the phone.

"What? When?" She said surprised.

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can." Andi replied before she hung up.

"I have to go babe. Kelly's in labour." She explained.

"Ok babe. Love you." I said before she kissed me.

"Love you too. Bye everyone." Andi said before rushing out.

"It's good to see you and Andi together again Luke." Mariam said.

"Its good to be back with her." I replied shyly.

"You really love her don't you?" Beau asked, all attention turning to me.

"Yeah I really do." I replied.

Andi's POV

It's just after 2am and I've been at the hospital since about 3pm yesterday afternoon.

"Come on Kelly, one more push and you'll have your baby." The midwife told Kelly.

"You're doing really well Kel." I encouraged even though she was just about breaking my hand as Leo wasn't handling the birthing process to well.

"This hurts." Kel replied just as another contraction came on.

"Push, push, push." The midwife repeated as Kelly pushed, my face contorting at the pain in my hand when all of a sudden the room was filled with cries.

"Congratulations Kelly and Leo, it's a girl." The midwife said as she placed the baby on Kelly's chest.

"She's perfect." I told Kelly.

"She's amazing babe." Leo said looking at his daughter.

"She's six pounds, three ounces and born at 2:16am. Do you have a name?" the midwife asked.

"Lily Blaire Jackson." Kelly told the midwife who wrote it down.

"Blaire?" I questioned.

"Yes Blaire, she has to have her favourite Aunty and Godmothers name somewhere in there." Leo told me.

"Thank you guys. I'm going to give you two some time with this perfect little angel but I'll be just down the hall." I told them.

"Do you want anything?" I asked before I went to walk out of the room.

"We're good thanks Andi." Leo replied.

I walked out of the hospital room and headed down towards the waiting room, hoping to find a coffee along the way.

"How's the hand?" the nurse at the desk asked me.

"Sore but it'll be right. You couldn't tell me where I can get a coffee from?" I asked trying not to yawn.

"If you walk down the hall and take the second left, you'll come to the café." She replied.

"Thanks." I replied

I walked down the hall following the desk nurses instructions and came to the café.

"Hi, what can I get you?" the server asked.

"Can I have an Americano please?" I asked handing over the money as I did.

"Sure, I'm guessing you've just come from the maternity ward." The server replied as he started to make my coffee.

"Yip." I replied as I pulled my phone out to check the time, seeing it was 2:39am.

I decided to give Luke a quick text even though I figured he was sleeping.

To Luke:

'Hey babe, I'm guessing you're asleep but just thought I'd let you know that Kelly had a wee girl named Lily Blaire Jackson, 6 pound 3 ounces. Love you x'

"Here we go." The server said handing me my coffee.

"Thanks" I replied before taking a sip and walking back towards the maternity ward.

Embattled Love - the sequel. Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now