Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two


Luke's POV

I got back to Andi's after dropping Lily off with the boys and Mariam who agreed to watch her while Andi and I went to Kelly's funeral as Andi didn't think that Lily should go to the funeral which I can understand; the funeral is going to be small.

I walked up to our room and leant against the doorframe watching as Andi finished getting ready, she was already exhausted, both physically and mentally and was trying to hold everything together for everyone's sake. I quietly made my way over to her, knowing that we had to leave soon, and turned her around to face me taking her hands in mine, my thumbs rubbing over the her hands, we stood in silence until I had to break it.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." Andi replied before we began walking out of the room.

"Luke." Andi said as she stopped walking and I did too.

"Yeah babe?" I questioned.

"I love you." Andi told me as she intertwined our fingers together.

"I love you too." I replied before we made our way down the stairs and out to the car.

Andi's POV

Luke and I got to the cemetery where the funeral was to be held, as we got out of the car, Luke instantly took my hand in his. I looked out across the cemetery, the sky dark almost reflecting how I felt. My best friend, who was like my sister, was gone, and at the hands of a man, leaving her child behind, I wish it was a bad dream but it isn't. I didn't want to cry anymore though. Luke and I stood together as the service started, our arms around each other's waist, listening to the funeral director before we each made our way to the coffin, as it was being lowered in we placed her favourite lilies on top.

Luke and I waited until everyone left after the service had left.

"Lets go home and then I'll go pick up Lily." Luke said.

"Ok." I replied as we began walking back to the car.

As we got to the car, I turned around and looked out over the cemetery again, the dark sky had lightened, I knew I had just said goodbye to Kelly.

Luke's POV

I took Andi home before heading over to the boys to pick up Lily. I walked in to find James holding Lily trying to calm her down as she was crying while everyone else was fussing around her.

"Here, let me take her." I said holding my arms out, James instantly handed her over, I pulled her close to my chest near my heart rubbing her back and began humming, she instantly calmed down and curled further into my chest.

"Can you pass my her blanket and dummy please?" I asked quietly as I rubbed her back.

"Here we go." Mariam said as she handed me the dummy which I put in Lily's mouth straight away before getting the blanket and wrapping it around her.

"You are really good with her." Mariam stated.

"How's Andi doing?" James asked as I took a seat with Lily.

"She's ok, I mean she's sad but I think she had a feeling. She's at home right now." I replied.

"And what about you?" Mariam asked.

"I'm alright." I replied.

"Thanks for looking after her today." I said as I stood back up.

"Hey Luke, Mum is flying in at the end of next week, I meant to tell you earlier but with everything going on-" Beau said before I interrupted him

"It's ok. I should get this one home." I said as I picked up her bag.

Andi's POV

I was laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling waiting for Luke to get back with Lily, thinking about everything, about how much life has changed.

"Hey babe." Luke said interrupting my thinking, I looked over to him as he walked in with Lily in his arms.

"Hey." I said rolling onto my side to face him as he laid Lily down beside me before laying down and facing me, I gently placed my hand on Lily's stomach as Luke placed his hand over mine.

"What were you thinking about?" Luke asked.

"Just how much life has changed lately." I answered.

"It defiantly has but I defiantly wouldn't change anything that has happened with us Mrs Brooks." Luke replied.

"Neither would I husband." I replied smiling.

"So Mum is coming into town at the end of next week and I was thinking, I mean I know we are married but we have talked about having a proper ceremony so I was thinking we could tell them we're engaged." Luke said really quickly.

"It sounds perfect babe." I said leaning over Lil carefully and kissing him.

"I love you both." Luke said.

"We love you too." I replied.

Embattled Love - the sequel. Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now