Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One


James' POV

I sat across the table from Luke and Andi, who had Lily sitting on her legs, as we all sat around at Remy's just enjoying a barbeque. I watched as Luke looked at Andi, a smile across his face, before leaning in and kissing her cheek; Andi looked at him and smiled before leaning in to kiss him properly. These two are the perfect couple, even since they came back from London about three months ago, they have been so happy and settled.

"Ok you two, not in front of Lily." Beau said as he gently picked up Lily, covering her eyes, making everyone laugh, even Luke who rolled his eyes and Andi.

"We don't want to see that, no we don't." Beau continued shaking his head as he spoke to Lily.

"Just ignore crazy Beau Lily." Luke said back as Beau held Lily, so she was standing on his lap.

"Alright Beau and Luke, no fighting in front of Lily." Remy said jokingly.

Andi's POV

I sat watching Lil as she was trying to crawl on the blanket that was on the grass, as the boys all talked and joked. They still didn't know that Luke and I were married in London but it doesn't matter.

"You ok babe?" Luke asked as he squeezed my hand lightly.

"Hmmm...yeah I'm just watching Lil." I replied.

"She's trying to crawl already." Thara said as she looked over to Lily.

"Yeah, even though it seems to early though." I replied.

"That's when the trouble begins and you have to watch them like a hawk." Jay said smiling.

Luke's POV

I was looking at Andi who had Lily asleep in her arm, as I held her left hand in my right, my thumb brushing over her empty ring finger. We still hadn't got around to getting rings or telling anyone that we got married in London, but that doesn't matter.

Just as I was about to say something, Andi's phone started ringing.

"Luke can you take her?" Andi asked.

"Sure" I replied as Andi passed my Lily before standing up and walking away from the rest of us.

I watched Andi as she talked on the phone, her face falling and she looked as though she was about to cry. I quickly looked down at Lily.

"Jai, can you hold Lily please?" I asked Jai as I looked over at Andi.

"Alright." Jai replied; I quickly handed Lily over before going over to Andi.

Andi's POV

I walked away from everyone and answered the call.


"Hi Andi, its Detective Johnson. I have some news." He said. I immediately got a pit in my stomach, I felt beyond sick.

"Ok." I replied unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry to inform you that we have found two bodies matching the descriptions of Leo and Kelly but we need to someone to identify the bodies as soon as possible." Johnson informed me.

"I can do that. I...I'll be down soon." I replied.

"Alright. I'm sorry." Johnson replied before hanging up. I quickly slipped my phone into my pocket as Luke reached me.

"What's going on babe?" Luke asked concern clearly on his face.

"That was the police, they found their bodies and need someone to identify them now." I told him, as I finished he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight.

"We can go now, I'll get the boys to watch Lily." Luke said.

Luke's POV

"We can go now, I'll get the boys to watch Lily." I told Andi who just nodded into my chest as I un-wrapped my arms from her.

"I'll meet you at the car." Andi said before she walked inside and I walked back over to the boys.

"Everything alright?" Jai asked as he cradled Lily.

"Can you guys watch her?" I asked.

"Sure, what's going on Luke?" Remy asked.

"The police found two bodies and they need to be identified." I said.

"We've got her, don't worry, just be with Andi." Beau said.

"Thanks." I replied grabbing Andi's bag from beside the chair before walking out to the car. I got in and looked over to Andi who was looking out the window, tears about to fall, I started the car as I grabbed her hand in mine.


Andi and I arrived at the police station to identify the bodies, I could tell by Andi's body language that even without seeing them she knew deep down it was them.

"Andi, Luke, this way." Detective Johnson said. We stood, I instantly wrapped my arm around Andi's waist as we followed the detective down the halls.

We got into a room, and the bodies were behind the window with sheets covering both of them.

"Are you ready? All we need is a simple yes or no." Detective Johnson told us. Andi nodded as he knocked on the window. The two sheets were pulled back revealing their faces, Andi immediately burst into tears as I grabbed her, stopping her from collapsing.

"That's them." I said as Detective Johnson closed the blinds.

"I'm so sorry." Detective Johnson replied as I pulled Andi into me, her face buried into my chest, I could feel her tears soaking through my shirt as I rubbed her back.

"Lets go home babe." I told Andi, earning a nod as she pulled her face from my chest.

"What happened to them?" Andi asked Detective Johnson as she wiped her face.

"We believe it was a murder-suicide." He replied.

Embattled Love - the sequel. Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now