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Chapter Nine

Andi's POV

I was already running late after sleeping in at Luke's, well not so much sleeping as convincing Luke to let go of me so I could get up and ready.

I finally arrived at my meeting with my creative team to talk about my upcoming album.

"Hi, sorry I'm late." I said as I walked in and took a seat.

"It's alright. Lets get started." Brad, my manager said.

"Obviously we still have a lot to do in regards to the album which I know you are working on, and we have the meeting on Friday regarding promotions and such but I want to know how you feel about the album Andi." Brad explained.

"There's two songs that I'd like to add but I want to re-record them and add in a few things. And make them bonus tracks on the album." I explained.

"Ok, so make it a 17 track album, sounds good to me. What songs?" Angela asked.

"Love I Can Afford and Official." I told them, thinking back to when I wrote them, I was with Luke. (I know these are Adil Memon tracksß check them out)

"I love those songs and I'm glad you're using them. Can I ask why the change of heart?" Angela asked.

"It's the right time." I replied.

"I'd like to get you back in the studio then as soon as we can. And on Friday I should have everything for you to go over and decide on. I'll make sure to add those tracks to the list." Brad told me.

"I think that's all for now until Friday. Angela?" Brad asked.

"I've got nothing else. Andi?" Angela replied.

"Nope, just let me know when you can get the studio but it can't be Thursday night." I replied.

"Alright then, we will see you on Friday." Brad said.

I walked out of the meeting happy to be adding those two tracks onto the album and looking forward to my next meeting which for me, was a rear occurrence.

Embattled Love - the sequel. Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now