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Chapter Twenty

Luke's POV

I woke up this morning feeling unbelievably happy that Andi and I were engaged; she was facing me still sleeping, looking peaceful as ever. I gently unwrapped my arms from around Andi's waist and got out of bed. I walked into the next room, where Lily was, and she was laying awake with her little arms flailing about, I quickly picked her up and changed her nappy before carrying her through to our room after heating up a bottle.

I sat back in bed against the headboard, and gently laid Lily down and started feeding her.

Andi's POV

I woke up to hear Luke talking softly, I slowly opened my eyes to see him feeding Lily, making me smile.

"Morning." I said, my voice strained as I sat up to lean against the headboard.

"Morning." Luke replied smiling as Lil finished her bottle.

"Thanks for getting her." I said as Luke started to burp Lily.

"Andi, what I said last night about not waiting, I meant it. I want to get married as soon as we can." He told me.

"I do too." I replied smiling.

"Why don't we get ready and go to the courthouse, I mean make it official and we can have a proper wedding later." Luke suggested.

"I don't care about a proper wedding, as long as you and I are married, that's all that matters." I replied.

"Well let's get ready then." Luke said.

Luke's POV

"Here we are." The taxi driver said to us as we arrived at the courthouse.

"Thank you" Andi and I said in unison as I paid the fare. We got out of the cab, Andi was holding Lil.

Andi and I along with Lily walked up the many stairs to the large building. I held the door open for Andi to walk through.

"Thanks babe." Andi said as I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked to the desk.

"Hi, can I help you two today?" The lady at the desk asked us.

"We'd like to get married." I said.

"Sure, if you want to take a seat and I'll get the papers and bring them over." The lady said.

"Thanks." Andi said before we made our way over and sat down.

"Are you sure you want to do this without your family here; I know how much they mean to you." Andi asked me.

"I'm more than sure, as long as you are." I replied.

"I am, I'm just making sure." Andi replied before she kissed me.

"Right you two, lets get this paperwork done and then we can get you married." The lady from the desk interrupted as she sat down, handing us the papers to fill out.

"We don't have rings." I realised as we finished filling out the paperwork.

"It doesn't matter, we can get them later husband to be." Andi replied as she bounced Lily up and down on her knee.

Embattled Love - the sequel. Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now