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Chapter Seventeen


Luke's POV

"You ok Luke?" James asks as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking." I replied as I checked the time knowing Andi will be here soon.

"Is Andi on her way over?" Jai asked.

"Yeah, she should be here any minute." I told them.

"What's going on with the whole Kelly/ Leo and Lily situation?" James asked.

"Andi now has temporary custody of Lily and she has some decisions to make if Kelly and Leo don't appear shortly." I replied.

"I just don't understand how two people can just disappear and leave their daughter." James stated.

"That's what Andi is struggling with to be honest." I replied just as I finished we heard the door open.

"Hello." Andi said as she walked in with Lil in her car-seat.

"Hi Andi." Jai and James said in unison.

"Hi babe." I said as I stood up and kissed her, taking Lily's car-seat out of her hands and placing it on the bench, looking at Lily sleeping.

Andi's POV

Luke placed Lily, who was in her car-seat asleep wrapped up with her blanket and her little elephant soft toy, on the bench as I placed her bag down on the seat.

"Can we talk?" I asked Luke quietly.

"Sure babe." Luke replied.

"We'll watch her Andi." Jai told me.

"Thanks, she might wake up though." I replied.

"Lets go out by the pool." Luke stated. I followed him out, shutting the door behind me.

"What's going on babe?" Luke asked.

"The other day when you said we're in this together, you really meant it didn't you?" I asked, feeling all the emotions I've been bottling up bubble to the surface, especially the tears.

"Of course I did Andi. I'm with you and if you end up having Lily permanently I'm staying." Luke told me.

"I'm scared Luke." I told him as a tear escaped and ran down my cheek.

"Hey, don't cry." Luke said stepping closer to me, lifting his hand up and gently wiping my tears away.

"I just want everything to go back to normal." I said as I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." Luke told me as he rubbed my back gently.

"I love you too." I replied muffled.

"We are going to figure this all out. I promise." Luke told me.

We stood, still embraced for a while before Luke broke the silence.

"We should probably get back inside, we did leave Lily with Jai and James, that is kind of like leaving her with Alan from the hangover." I said making Andi laugh slightly as she pulled her face away from my chest to look at me.

"Alright." I replied quickly wiping under my eyes.

Luke unwrapped his arms from around my body, instead intertwining our fingers and walking inside to see Jai and Daniel with Lily.

Luke's POV

Andi and I walked in to see Jai holding Lily on his hip while Daniel was playing entertainer, holding the little elephant soft toy and dancing around, leaving Lily quite content and making happy noises.

"Is everything alright?" James asked as we walked in.

"Yeah. It will be." I replied as I took a seat and pulled Andi closer to me, wrapping an arm around her waist as we watched Jai and Daniel with Lily.

"We will be." Andi whispered just so that I heard as she smiled, I quickly kissed her cheek.

Jai's POV

Andi and Lily left a few hours ago and Luke has been up in his room. I know that Andi was crying earlier when they were talking earlier by the pool as I held Lily.

I wanted to make sure Luke was ok, just as I got up to go upstairs, Luke came down and sat with us.

"You ok Luke?" I asked.

"Hmm...yeah." Luke replied sounding unsure of himself.

"Why was Andi crying earlier?" James asked.

"She's scared and trying to deal with everything." He replied.

"And what about you?" I asked

"I'm scared too but I love Andi and I'm not going anywhere if even that means Lily is adopted by Andi." Luke told us.

Embattled Love - the sequel. Luke BrooksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora