life of glass 2

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Geetanjali was waiting for him in the park, she knew advait was listening to recorded tapes from the morning. She left home early because she did not had any courage to face him after what she was going to tell him. She knew he loves her and she loves him too.

So she sat down on the bench staring at child who were playing with another child. He waited for her continue 2 years for her 'yes'. She kept staring at the people who were with their partners and were having their own time for themselves. She recorded her voice from the day all it started till how he snatched her sanity from her.

Flashback :

I decided I would tell him that I did not wanted to stay here. I wanted to go to my family, to my friends, to my advait. I was ready to accept his past, I was ready to forgive him either for what he did to me but I did not wanted to stay with him anymore.

I was not calculating how much he was getting angry with my statements but I just wanted my freedom. I wanted to be from his one side love, I told him to let me go. " I don't want to be here any more. I want to go home. " I told him.

" You are not going anywhere. You are staying here with me. " he said while gritting his teeth.

" NO, I am not ! " I said as I tried to walk from the side of him. He grabbed my hand avoiding me from going away from him. He looked into my eyes as I couldn't understand his eyes how he was angry on me. He pushed me on the floor before I could understand him.

" I told you, you are not going anywhere. " he yelled at me while trying to hold his anger to himself but I already had broken his limit of anger with my words.

" I want to go home. " I said to him as my eyes were already started to moisturize with the tears.

" NO, YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE ! " he yelled at me again with the same voice as his eyes showing how much he was angry. He started to take steps towards me as I started to crawl back until my back hit the wall. He sat down on his knees in front of me and started to caress my cheek with his hand. I was stuck between the wall and him.

" I am your lover and you are love of my life. " he said with the calmness.

I swallowed the lump of courage, making eye contact with him and said, " No you are not !, you are nothing but a creepy stalker and possessive lover. Who just want me to dress up like some doll. ".

I was about to make another move from him, wanted to push him from me but he caged me with his hands against the walls.

" Why are doing this to me, What is my fault ? " I questioned him with the little courage that was left inside me.

" fault... Your fault is that you are too good for this world. Your fault is that you believed in every person. Your fault is that you don't judge person from their past rather you judge them with their heart and behavior. Your fault is that you always saw me like your boss and friend. Your fault is you never gave me the position of your lover. Your fault is that you captured my heart. Your fault is that you gave me my sanity. Your fault is that you always give chance to everyone. " he said, with his words I knew how madly he was in love with me.

" let me go ! " I whispered.

He smirked to me and said " I know, where this courage is coming from. What will happen to you when I will snatch this sanity from you which gives you hopes that one day you will get out of this home, will get out of my love. The sanity which keeps you sane here. " with his every words my whole world stopped. I stopped myself from breathing, it was getting hard for me to understand his actions. His eyes and smirk was showing how he was determined on his words.

" No, you can't do this to me. " I whispered to him. But it was too late to utter the words. He pulled me up from my hand and started to drag me towards his room.

He threw me on his bedroom floor as I lost my last hope too. I stopped him from touching my body when he understood I was not going to give him any chance to touch me, He unbuckled his belt and started to hit me with it.

He stopped when he realized I was not going to respond him. He walked to me kneeling in front of me, his eyes were showing care for me. For sometime, I thought he was going to say sorry to me. He picked me up in bridal style and laid me on the bed. As my back hit the bed, I looked up to him. His eyes were showing the lust for my body. I knew that his monster having power over his body. I tried to push him as he held my both hands in his one hands and caged my legs with his.

" Let's snatch your sanity from you, shall we ? " he stated and started to kiss me on my neck. For the first time, I wanted to die before he could touch my body.

" No please ! " I begged to him but there was no use of my pleading. Now he only wanted my body and nothing else.

" HELP ME ! " I screamed from my bottom of my lungs when he started to enter his hand in my shirt.

I screamed for help to my imaginary person. I begged to him to stop his torture, to stop his assault. My  all screaming were dissolving in the air like I was not screaming in the first place.

" Please no ! " I said as he tore my clothes with his one hand. In the minute, I was naked in front of him. I stopped all of my struggling when reality kicked me with the truth No one was going to help me from him.

" You are mine and only mine ! " he said. I let him play with my body because I was so helpless. I was trapped between the reality and him. I was the witness of someone's lust. 

" I am not yours ! " I whispered to myself assuring that I don't belong to him. 

Flashback ends...

Geetanjali felt someone sat down beside her as she looked up at the person. Advait gave her small smile as she returned it back to him.

"how long you have been sitting here ?"

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