Movie Night

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Lucy's P.O.V

I laid on my bed in exhaustion. "Lucy" I sighed before I looked at the blonde man.

"What is it, Sting?"

"I want to have a date." I looked at him in confusion.

"We just had one today, remember the amusement park?" He shook his head before he hovered over me.

"It was ruined remember?" I arched a brow.

"You should have told them that you wanted to be alone with me."

"I only told Rogue about it but I guess Gray and Yukino came and treated it like a double date." I nodded. It was strange to think of those two as dating. Still, I was happy for them, even if I had this strange feeling in my heart thinking about it. "Date...Date...Date...Date...Date..." I sighed as he continued to chant.


"Okay" He sat next to me while I sat up. "Movie night?" I chuckled and nodded with a smile. His eyes lit up before he ran to his side of the room and grabbed his laptop. "What should we watch?"

"I don't know, you can choose." He looked to be in thought before he smiled.

"I got it" He pulled up the movie while I walked out of the room to get some popcorn. As I arrived in the kitchen area of the dorm I saw Gray. He looked exhausted but as he saw me he smiled. I decided to do the same.


"Lucy, what are you doing here?"

"Sting wanted to watch a movie so I decided to get some popcorn, what about you?"

"Coffee," He said as he grabbed a cup from the drain and grabbed the coffee pot before pouring some into it. "Exams are coming up, you know?" I nodded.

"Yeah" He took a sip of coffee while I began to pop the popcorn.

"Lucy" I turned around to see Gray with a slight blush which he tried to hide. I giggled at him.

"Is the coffee so hot that your blushing?" He nodded before his blush darkened.

"Do you mind if I join you two?" My eyes widened.

"But your exams-"

"I needed a break anyway." I nodded.

"I guess Sting won't mind then." I pulled the popcorn from the microwave. As we got to my door I heard a moan.

My cheeks reddened but I decided that maybe I was just hearing things. I opened the door to see Sting staring at the laptop but the sounds I heard before were louder. I walked in further with Gray and looked at the laptop only to be blinded.

"Sting what the hell are you doing!" His eyes widened before he looked at us.

"Oi, I thought it would be just us."

"You two are into those kinds of things huh?" Gray said with a smirk causing my face to redden.

"As if"

"Pervert" He responded.

"I am not!" I looked at the wall.

"Sting, this is going to be a regular movie night not a triple x rated one." He sighed.

"Fine" The sound stopped while Gray sat on my bed. Sting pulled up a movie while I sat next to Gray. Sting grabbed the laptop and set it on my bed and sat on the other side of me.'

An Hour Later

Gray's P.O.V

It angered me to think that Sting brought out that side of her, but at the same time, I felt wrong. For all I know, Lucy could have been like this all along. I looked at Sting and Lucy to see Sting asleep. Lucy started to doze but stopped as a character smiled.

She smiled back. Watching this made me feel like she was happy that the character was happy. She was always like that. 

This was my last year to be with her this way before graduating. I hated it. I loved Lucy but what could I do? She was in love with Sting.

I looked at Lucy in happiness. She looked at me and giggled. "Your smiling"


"The last time I saw you truly smile was before I started dating Sting. I like it on you." My cheeks reddened. "Also when you blush it is cute as well." She looked back at the screen. That was it, I had to tell her before the year ended.

Sting's P.O.V

Son of a bitch.

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