9. Roman?!

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"Virgil." LEAVE ME ALONE! I growled and the voice just laughed. Even now he haunts me. I thought I got away from him. I thought... "You'll never get out. You'll never be free. Not of me Virge. How are those wings feeling?"

I felt my body convulse and I cried out as the phantom pains came back. Virgil, you're fine. You're safe. He isn't here. He can't hurt you... He can't...

"Patton?" I moved my wing slightly looking out towards the door and sighed. You're just imagining things now Virgil. Go to sleep. You're exhausted. "Virgil?" I took a deep and loud breath and tucked my head underneath my other wing. I was wrong. I didn't imagine it, but I'm too tired to care. I don't even know who it is. I don't want to know. "Ok, just got to stand up... Just got to stand... up."

I took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the air around me. I couldn't help but smile... Roses and Chocolate... 

"Hey... there..." I heard someone whisper and I let out a puff of smoke. I sleepily moved my head over closer to the source of the smell and felt myself relax. I felt as someone started to pet me and I began to purr. It was nice. I never once opened my eyes. I never once checked to see who it was, but I don't really think I had to. I know this scent better than anything. How does he even smell like this? I mean Patton smells like cinnamon cookies, and Jan always smelt like coffee somehow. 

I smiled at myself as I began to relax even more. I said his name... and nothing. No feeling of fear. No flashback or horrible voice. Just this... Just him... Maybe he really could keep the nightmares away. I moved my tail making room for him to lay with me and He stepped back confused.

"You want me to lay with you?" I  huffed in response, still refusing to open my eyes and I heard him sigh. "Ok, then."

I felt as they laid down and I moved my tail back over him, protectively. I won't let Jan hurt him. I can't let Jan hurt him. He means so much to me. I moved till my head was touching him and smiled. I will protect him. I will keep him safe and happy... and loved. I felt as he started petting me again and I breathed out a small breath of hot air. He always seemed to like the warmth I gave off.

"Maybe I should get to know you before jumping to conclusions, huh?" I nuzzled into him some more and felt as he snuggled up to me. "Now don't go burning me ok?"I heard him say with a laugh and I groaned. I'm not going to burn you. I promise.

The door closed and they jumped up, trying to get away from me. But I moved it closer, pinning him down. I wasn't ready to let him leave yet. I don't want to hear him again. I don't want to be scared again. I don't want...

"Roman?" I felt as they dug himself deeper into my tail and I smiled. "Well, I honestly wasn't expecting you to come back."

"I wasn't going to..." I frowned as he buried myself deeper. I could feel as Patton started to pet me and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Do you mind letting Roman go, kiddo? Dad's got to talk to him." I sighed but nodded as I moved my tail away from Roman, letting Patton pull him up. "So does this mean you're going to let him live?"

"It means I'm going to get to know him." I looked up at Roman to see him smiling back at me and I started to purr again. He was going to stay. He was going to try.

"The best way to get rid of an enemy... Is to make it a friend."

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