43. Personality Switch (TW)

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"Just wait there ok, hun? Princy's got something he wants to try." I narrowed my eyes in confusion and he flicked his wrist. The shield formed into a ball a slammed into Deceit, causing him to fly through the tunnel walls. My eyes went wide as the sound of rain hit my ears. I watched Roman followed the path he created, disappearing from view. I'm confused. Did Deceit lie when he said he killed him? Is that really Roman? How can I...

Y̷o̵u̴'̴v̵e̸ ̷g̷o̸t̴ ̸t̴o̵ ̶b̴e̶ ̶k̵i̵d̴d̵i̵n̷g̶ ̵m̵e̵.̸

This intense pain ripped through my head and I doubled over crying out in pain.

A̸r̴e̷ ̷y̴o̷u̴ ̵r̶e̷a̸l̶l̴y̶ ̴t̴h̷a̷t̷ ̷s̶t̷u̸p̷i̸d̸?̸ ̶C̷o̸m̴e̵ ̵n̶o̶w̶ ̵V̶i̶r̵g̵i̶l̷,̶ ̸y̷o̵u̷ ̷k̸n̴o̵w̶ ̸b̵e̶t̷t̵e̷r̴ ̵t̷h̶a̴n̵ ̸t̸o̷ ̶b̴e̶l̶i̵e̸v̵e̷ ̴h̴e̷'̴s̴ ̸s̴t̷i̵l̷l̷ ̷a̴l̸i̴v̴e̸.̵

"S-Shut up." The pain got worse and I felt my throat close on me. I held my neck praying for air to come through as I coughed and spit up. 

R̶o̵m̸a̸n̷'̵s̴ ̸d̸e̸a̵d̵,̷ ̵V̷i̴r̸g̴i̷l̴.̷ ̶T̵h̷e̶r̴e̴'̴s̶ ̶n̸o̸ ̶p̷o̸i̷n̵t̵ ̴i̷n̶ ̸i̸m̷a̷g̸i̸n̷i̸n̷g̵ ̸h̵i̶m̴.̸ ̴H̴e̸ ̸c̴a̴n̵'̴t̶ ̸c̷o̵m̷e̷ ̷t̸o̶ ̷r̷e̴s̶c̸u̵e̷ ̴y̷o̴u̸.̵

"N-No... I saw him. H-He held..." The red came back full force and I screamed out gripping my ears as this loud pitch ripped through me. I swear my ears started to bleed.

"I̴̺̐T̸̠̾'̵̜͒S̶̟̑ ̸̳͐A̵̩͋L̶̡̒L̸̝̈́ ̴͓̿Ǐ̸̻Ṋ̴͝ ̴̟͠Ỵ̸͂O̷͎̓Ú̷̜Ṟ̵̄ ̶͇́H̸̜̄Ẹ̴͒Ą̸͌D̸̬̐ ̶̫̽V̷̛̠I̷̬͆R̸̩͆Ĝ̸̺I̴̙̋L̵̲̽!̷̙̀" I felt my arms drop to the ground as this laugh escaped my lips. I looked up and smiled wide finally noticing all the monitors and screens littered around the place. I stood up staggering slightly as my body got used to the change in control. "L̶o̵o̵k̶ ̷V̸i̸r̴g̵y̸!̶ ̴T̷h̷e̶y̴ ̵w̷e̵r̷e̸ ̶w̴a̵t̴c̶h̷i̵n̵g̷ ̶u̵s̴!̶" Each screen showed a different part of the castle. Several just showed bodies and destruction from when I went through, and others showed places untouched. I stopped at one when the image of Deceit appeared to fly into a tree. I couldn't help but laugh. "I̷'̸v̸e̸ ̵h̶e̷a̷r̶d̷ ̷o̸f̸ ̸r̸a̴t̵'̸s̵ ̶w̴i̵t̶h̸ ̷w̸i̶n̸g̸s̷ ̷b̵u̸t̷ ̴n̶e̴v̵e̴r̷ ̸a̴ ̶s̸n̴a̴k̷e̸.̶"

"There's the intruder!" I frowned feeling a demonic growl tear through me as the men froze upon seeing me. I held my hand out towards them and they slammed against the wall, this blast of hot air keeping them from moving.

"C̸a̵n̶'̸t̶ ̴y̴o̸u̶ ̶s̸e̴e̵ ̷d̸a̵d̵d̷y̵'̵s̷ ̸b̶u̶s̴y̵.̶" I smiled showing my insanity in full view and revealed in the fear they showed, smoke starting to pour out of my mouth through my fangs. "N̸o̴w̷,̶ ̶b̵e̵ ̴g̷o̶o̷d̶ ̷l̶i̵t̸t̶l̸e̵ ̶k̷i̷d̵s̸.̵.̸.̶" My body started twitching terrible and their eyes went wide. ".̷.̸.̴ ̴a̶n̵d̶ ̶B̵U̸R̷N̴!̴"

I watched with this grin as their bodies started to glow and burn and crack. They screamed out as parts of their body chared and broke off. By the time I walked past them to leave the tunnels, they were just smoldering melted bone and ash. I started to follow the path of destruction when my breath caught in my chest and I got light headed.

stop this! don't...

"Y̸o̸u̵ ̸l̸o̴s̷t̴ ̵c̴o̷n̶t̵r̸o̶l̷,̶ ̷V̸i̵r̴g̷i̵l̷.̴ ̶J̶u̸s̵t̶ ̶f̶a̶c̴e̸ ̴i̷t̵.̴ ̸I̷'̸m̸ ̸i̷n̵ ̴c̵h̶a̸r̴g̸e̵ ̸n̴o̷w̷!̴" I looked up and smiled as I spotted a broken pipe just hanging there. I yanked it free and watched as it started to glow as it heated up from my touch. 


"W̴h̸a̷t̸ ̴d̸i̵d̶ ̸y̸o̶u̵ ̶t̸h̸i̸n̴k̸ ̶w̸o̶u̴l̸d̸ ̶h̴a̶p̷p̴e̶n̵,̷ ̴V̷i̷r̵g̸i̸l̷?̸!̷ ̷Y̴o̷u̴ ̷s̶p̵e̵n̵d̵ ̸s̵o̶ ̴l̷o̷n̷g̴ ̸t̸r̷e̴a̶t̵i̵n̸g̴ ̵y̵o̴u̴r̷ ̸i̷n̴s̷a̸n̶i̷t̶y̵ ̸a̵s̴ ̶a̸ ̴s̵e̴p̵a̸r̷a̶t̴e̶ ̷b̵e̶i̴n̶g̶.̸.̵.̴ ̵a̸n̸d̷ ̵e̶v̵e̷n̴t̶u̷a̷l̴l̵y̷,̸ ̷t̷h̸a̴t̵ ̶e̷x̵a̷c̴t̶l̷y̴ ̶w̶h̶a̴t̷ ̴i̴t̵ ̸b̶e̶c̵o̸m̶e̸s̸.̵ ̷Y̶o̷u̷'̴v̸e̴ ̵l̵o̸s̸t̶.̴" I glanced down at a puddle and smirked seeing my reflection acting as if it's trapped in glass trying to break free, screaming at me. "I̸'̵m̴ ̷g̴o̴i̵n̷g̶ ̸t̶o̸ ̶k̷i̴l̶l̷ ̸t̶h̵a̵t̸ ̸h̵o̵r̶r̷i̶d̶ ̴s̵n̸a̶k̶e̴.̶ ̵T̴h̷e̶n̵.̷.̶.̷ ̸I̸'̴m̴ ̷g̴e̸t̴t̷i̴n̵g̵ ̸r̸i̶d̷ ̸o̴f̶ ̷t̵h̵a̶t̴ ̵s̷t̶u̸p̷i̵d̸ ̸i̴m̷p̷o̵s̵t̸e̴r̸.̵"


"Y̶e̴s̶!̴" I laughed as my reflection filled with dread and fear. I shook my head and continued down the path until I finally reach the outside. Rain poured down around my but evaporated before it could ever touch my skin. I spotted the boy's in the field and smiled as I rested the pipe on my shoulder, my other and on my hips. "H̵e̸y̷,̴ ̴B̴o̴y̸s̷.̶" I sang seductively. They both stopped and glanced back to see me swinging the pipe around my hands before holding it out in some sort of sick Harley Quinn pose smiling. Roman's eyes went wide and Deceit frowned. "I̷ ̵w̸a̶n̴n̸a̴ ̷p̸l̸a̵y̶.̶"

"Vir..." I launched myself at them faster then the eye could see but before the pipe could connect with imposters face a bright purple shield stopped it. I smiled widely at the fear and confusion in his eyes. "Virgil?"

"N̸o̸t̵ ̶q̵u̵i̸t̶e̴.̵" His eyes went wide as I chuckled. I slammed my fist right into his nose and he reeled back holding it as it bled. "A̶n̷d̵ ̶y̴o̶u̷'̴r̵e̸ ̶n̵o̵t̷ ̴R̶o̵m̸a̴n̴!̷ ̷R̸o̵m̶a̵n̸'̵s̵ ̴d̸e̸a̴d̸.̸ ̸I̸ ̸s̴a̸w̷ ̴t̸h̸e̶ ̵b̵l̴o̴o̴d̸.̴ ̴I̶ ̵f̶e̴l̵t̸ ̵t̵h̶e̴ ̶p̵a̴i̸n̸.̷ ̵.̷Y̸o̷u̶ ̸c̸a̴n̷'̶t̶ ̴t̶r̵i̵c̸k̶ ̴m̵e̵.̶ ̷I̴'̸m̶ ̷n̵o̷t̸ ̵w̵e̷a̷k̸ ̶l̵i̶k̴e̴ ̸V̸i̷r̴g̵i̵l̴ ̸i̸s̴.̵"

"Fucking monster!" I spun around and caught Deceit's sword with my hand. His eyes went wide and it started to glow. I brought my hand back and backhanded him. He flew off to the side and I dropped his sword into the dirt, hearing the ground sizzle in response to the burning metal. I picked up the metal pipe that I had let go and walked over to where Deceit had landed. He was struggling to stand up and with an empty expression, I brought the pipe clear across his face. It dug into his skin but cauterized it instantly so there was no blood. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and growled deep and loud.

"S̸a̸Y̶ ̶T̸h̵A̵T̶ ̴A̵g̸A̸i̶N̴!̸" His eyes narrowed and I tightened my grip causing him to choke a little. "I̴ ̸D̷A̸R̶E̴ ̵Y̸O̸U̵!̵"

"You're a fucking monster!" I slammed his head back against the ground and smiled at the sickening crack I heard. Deceit's eyes glossed over as he gripped my hands trying to pry himself free. I just slammed him down against and let go. He groaned as he reached for his head.

"S̸A̶Y̴ ̴I̴T̵!̶" He glanced back up at me and grinned. "S̶A̶Y̷ ̸I̸T̸!̶ ̵I̵ ̸w̷a̸n̴t̴ ̴t̶o̴ ̴h̶e̸a̸r̴ ̷i̵t̸ ̴o̷n̸e̴ ̵l̷a̵s̶t̵ ̴t̸i̶m̴e̴.̵"

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