Introduction (Chapter 0)

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Mega and Bloods are travelling in their small UFO, searching for a place to train in peace.

Bloods is long red haired, curvy, with dazzling crimson eyes and red saiyan armor, surprisingly short to be strong, 5'2

Mega has a generic appearance, short brown hair, dark brown eyes, large and strong body, very tall, 5'9.

They're alone in the ship, of course, all their friends were sadly killed in combat, without their presence thankfully. Bloods is training in the background, as Mega just drives the UFO around.
"Hey!" Bloods said as she did abdominals. "Why don't you put auto pilot on and train with me?".

"No, no thanks, I want to be cautious, enemies could be anywhere". He looked from left to right continously.

Bloods pauses the training and places her hand on his shoulder. "Turn on Turbo Travelling, then".

"You crazy? We must search for planets to stay in".

"Well, all the places we've found are inhabitable".
Mega stared at Bloods for a second, and pressed on Turbo Travelling, as soon as he did that, he was tremendously shot into his seat, and Bloods hit the wall, since the speed is too much.

He struggled to reach for the button, and finally pressed it again, calming the great speed. He gets unstuck from the seat, and Bloods slides down the wall, with swirly eyes.

"Hey, but you should have warned me first!". Her pupils burned in anger.

"You seemed desperate, so I pressed it right away". Bloods' silence and blank stare through him confused Mega. "You alright?". Bloods points behind him, he turns around.

His pupils widen.
There is a blue planet, with clouds, and green land, it looks appropriate to habit in.

"Let's go there!" She mindlessly pressed on the accelerator.

"Wait, Bloods, you don't know how to drive-!", the UFO entered its atmosphere and began to burn.

"Damn it Bloods!". The heat doesn't affect them. "Now we can't land because the wires are going to burn!".

"Woo!". They crash into a forest, tearing down all the trees, well at least the majority.

Bloods breaks the roof of the UFO and she bursts out gleefully, stretching. "Ah! The air feels so good here!".

Mega gets out of the UFO, with an angered look. "This is the second time you break our transportation!".

"Oh well!". She grabs a random fruit, and bites it.
Mega notices this, and is shocked. "Are you crazy!? That's alien food you don't know if it's poisonus!".

She swallows. "I don't think it's poisonus, fruit is born to give food, not kill". She keeps eating it.

"You're unbearable...". He looks around, and tells Bloods the need to find people for a place to stay.

"Hey, we only need ourselves to train, and besides we have fruits here".

"Maybe the food resource is ok for you, since you eat almost nothing, no wonder why you're so slim, but I need way more food than that".

"Then eat more fruits". She throws the fruit's corpse into the ground. "Come on!" She grabs his hand and begins running into the outside of the forest.

It's beatiful, a blue sky, with green land, and one sun in the horizon, like Earth.
"If there are intelligent species here, I hope the guys are sweet like Okami!"

"Are you seriously thinking about your dream boy, right here, right now?"


"Ugh" He lets go of her hand. "Just get ready to train".

"Sure will!" She jumps away into a far distance, and poses her fighting stance, so does Mega.

Screen title: Dragon Ball 19; Sky's Era

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