Chapter 26

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Mega opened his eyes up. It's a completely white place. Where... am I? Am I... dead?.. He stood up, walking forward. He heard Bloods' voice behind him. He turned around... nothing. Then he heard it behind him again, he turned... you know that cliché. He heard it closer and closer each time... he felt pain on his head and his chest.

He woke up from the black bed, holding his chest and head. His vision was blurry, but then cleared.
I'm... not dead? Wait, so where am I?..
A black reptilian walked in the room, it growled, but in a weird way.
What the...
He looked at his hand, and couldn't even clinch it.
Well, I am ready to die...
He laid back onto the bed.
More reptilians walked into the room with some needles, medicine and bandages. Mega closed his eyes. Bloods...
Mega is out cold again, with his life at risk. The reptilians begin the mending.

((Random place in the 19th Universe))
"Woah, this is way prettier than hell! I can see the beautiful, glowing stars, galaxies, calamities! And I will destroy them all!" Eternal stopped to think. "Wait! But I can't just destroy them all... I need a way to do it without calling attention"
A light sparked on top of her head.

"Ah! I can use Planet Paradise as my home, and destroy civilizations slowly! That way no one could suspect about it..."
She flew to Planet Paradise.

((At night, Planet Keman, where Mega is being hospitalized))
Mega quickly opened up his eyes, with his pupils being orange. He broke the ceiling and flew through it, then into space.

He is now looking at a galaxy. He had an evil grin on his face, he began to glow orange. Then, a purple ball charged from his hands, though, glowing green.
"SINISTER KAMEHAMEHA!" He yelled. It grew larger and larger the further it got.
After the attack faded... the galaxy was gone. He smirked, and flew back to the planet, the hospital room. He laid back into the bed and waited for the recovery to be complete. Mega is asleep.

((Planet Paradise))
"Ah... such a beautiful planet" A cute animal approached her. "Yet there is more beauty in tragedy..." She killed the animal with a ki blast.

"And besides, planet Paradise? That's too boring... I'll name it..." She closed her eyes to think.

"I will name it Planet Doomfall"

(End of Anima's saga; beginning of Planet Doomfall saga)

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