Chapter 3

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The 19th universe was knocked out of the Universal Orbit during the Grand Omni-Kings War, a war to gain the throne of the Omni King. Now then, travelling from a universe to the 19th one would take days to arrive, even with the fastest transportation technique. But a man with the intention of recreating the 19th universe appeared, what will the protagonists do about this?

"A Supreme Kai, you say?.. You became the God of Destruction?!"

"I wanna be the Supreme Kai, so I can always be with you, Okami!"

"Alright, let me scout you" He grabbed a scouter from a counter and powered it up, viewing her stats. "Ah..." He turned it off.

"Is that a yes!?" She shrieked silently.

"Well your defense is off the charts, but..."

"But!?" She got real close to him.

"You lack of energy and attack, you need to transform at least once"

"But I have a power up-!" Okami covered her mouth with his palm as he smiled.

"You. Can't. Be. The. Supreme. Kai"
Bloods began to sob.
"Sobbing won't work-"

An irritating engine-like sound was heard from outside, a villager anxiously burst open the clinic's door, and told Okami what was going on... in another language.

"Invaders!?" He was shocked, and ran outside.

"Invaders? That's too soon for us..."

"Mega, invaders are dangerous, lets go!"

Outside of the clinic, there is a giant rocket ship landed on the homes from the villagers.

"Whoever did that, they are heartless" Mega clinched his fist.

The rocket's door slammed down, and a tall 6'3, dark blue eyes and black hair guy walked down it, as well as another cloaked 6'2 guy with a lot of scars and cuts on his face, the tallest one looked around as the other one scouted everyone.

"Who are you!?" Mega yelled.

The shorter one turns at Mega
"I'm Anima, co leader of the Fire Clan"

"And I am Sky, leader of the Fire Clan, you?"

DB19: Sky's EraWhere stories live. Discover now