Chapter 24

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Mega yelled for his life, an orange light glowed from his mouth. Sky jumped back, giant beams of light burst out from Mega.

What a cliché moment from a hero honestly Sky thought as he put his right hand behind his back, charging up a red attack on his index and middle finger.

Bloods... Okami, Jose... Shiro... I'll bring you all back!.. I will defeat Sky and-
Mega's forehead and chest were precisely shot at with Sky's Death Beam, he instantly dropped onto the flat floor.

"You have no idea how many times I've seen heroes transform while remembering their friends or families, maybe also dreams. I don't waste my time waiting for them to transform. I kill them, or leave them to die" Sky grinned. "And you will be the last hero I will ever kill, the universe will be under my control very soon"

Mega grabbed the grass, and very slowly crawled to Sky, leaving a trail of blood.
"Ah, I see your request... fine, I will humiliate you right here right now..." He pulled out all of the seven dragon balls. "Yes, I already have found them, knowing that you would come here I wanted to play with you" He placed them down. "Now watch"

He cleared his throat. "Μεγάλος θεός των ευχών, έλα! Κάντε τις επιθυμίες μου πραγματικότητα!!" ((Great god of wishes, come forth! Make my wishes a reality!))

The dragon balls glowed, a laser grew up into the sky, making it dark, it got denser and denser. A giant bat faded into the light.

"I am Zu. State your three wishes"
"Bring back Anima!"
Poker face on Sky. "Oh wait..."
"Φέρτε πίσω το Anima!"
Zu's eyes glowed.
"It is done, what is your second wish?"
Sky looked around, he growled.
"Φέρτε τον σε με!" ((Bring him to me!))
His eyes glowed again, Anima appeared beside Sky.

"Woah, reviving me didn't take long, did it?" Anima said.
"State your final wish"
"I wish for..."
"Bloods..." Mega grunted, it was like a whisper. "Bring back... Bloods..."
Anima stepped forward to Mega, Sky thrusted his arm, blocking Anima, he shook his head.

"Εύχομαι ο μεγαλύτερος στρατός!" ((I wish for the greatest army!))
Zu's eyes glowed for the last time. "It is done. Enjoy your wishes" Zu dissapeared, all of the dragon balls flew into the sky and dispersed.

"What do we do with him?" Anima poked Mega's head.

"We will leave him suffering until he dies... I bet this universe has a special place for heroes like him, if he's lucky he'll die in a minimum of five minutes"

"Hah! That's why being evil is better than doing good, you don't have to contain yourself!"
Sky nodded. "Let's leave this pitiful saiyan rotting here now" He flew away.
"Hmph! Hmph! Take this as a lesson, young man!" He flew away with Sky.

Bloods, Okami... no... how could this... happen... He slowly closed his eyes. I... was supposed... to win...

(Episode 4; Chapters 19-24: "The Failed Desire")

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