Chapter 2

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The 19th universe was knocked out of the Universal Orbit during the Grand Omni-Kings War, a war to gain the throne of the Omni King. Now then, travelling from a universe to the 19th one would take days to arrive, even with the fastest transportation technique. But a man with the intention of recreating the 19th universe appeared, what will the protagonists do about this?

"But you were supposed to be dead, when you fought against that masked guy!"

"Well, Mega, I was supposed to be dead, but no one is faster than me, sadly he forced me to let him escape"

"Does that mean we're going to be together, Okami?.." Her eyes were slowly filling up with tears of happiness.

"Ah..." The camera slowly zoomed into his face. "Neby, it's good to see you alive too, friend"

The screen shattered on her face, with no colors at all. She began to hit him from different areas.

"You... you meanie! I've told you so many times to not friendzone me and accept me!" Okami doesn't feel pain because he's just standing there.

"Oh- I forgot, Neby, sorry!" He placed his hand on her head to stop the hits. "So how did you get this wound, Mega?"

He points at Bloods. "She did it" He paused to see her face of guilt. "She kicked down on my head too hard and I got damaged"

He grabbed a few bandages and wrapped it around his head. "Well that's your fault, for being too weak and never being able to keep up with her"

Bloods giggled, Mega has a poker face. "Hey, at least I try to beat her!"

"Yes you do, but not hard enough"

"But-!" Okami lightly slapped on his wound.

"Done, you're welcome!"


"Okami, what are you doing here anyways? I thought you'd go back to Planet Steam..."

"Steam you say?.." He placed his index finger on his cheek and looked up. "Maybe your home planet is already gone as you travelled here"

"What!?" They both said.

"Hehe... yeah, as I fought that guy inside of Steam, he set a time bomb supernova after you two fled in the UFO"

"Mega got very anxious to get stronger after we fled"

"Sorry for not protecting your planet, but leaving that at the side, I became the God of Destruction of the 19th universe! And I'm searching for a Supreme Kai"

After hearing that, there was silence in the empty clinic.

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