Chapter 1

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The 19th universe was knocked out of the Universal Orbit during the Grand Omni-Kings War, a war to gain the throne of the Omni King. Now then, travelling from a universe to the 19th one would take days to arrive, even with the fastest transportation technique. But a man with the intention of recreating the 19th universe appeared, what will the protagonists do about this?

"Ha!" Bloods came from above, and kicked down on Mega's head, nearly knocking him out, dropping to the ground, his red kaio ken aura fades.
His hand twitched, and clenched.

"Oh come on, I always beat you, you're that weak?" She reached out for him and helped him up.

"What's wrong with me? I always train my butt off and I never get at least close to beating you"

"I just train even harder than you, and you need to use some kind of power up to match up to my speed, why do you even want to become stronger, hm? Tell me" She concetrated her gaze into Mega, stunning him.

His heart beat sped up as he began to sweat more
"That's a secret..."

"Best friends can share secrets" She smiled.

The wind blew, making leaves fly everywhere on the beautiful green landscape.
blood dripped down his head, Bloods noticed this before him.

"Hey!" She touched his head. "You're bleeding, we better find a place to fix you up!" She grabbed his wrist, and began to fly around.

His wound is burning from the speed, despite the air and gravity is light.
"Ow!" He holds his wound. "It burns!"

"You're such a crybaby, hold on" She sees a village, and lands there.

The villagers look up as they stand feet on their ground.
"Hey!" She shouted. "We need a medic, please!" She pointed at Mega's wound.

They remained silent.
"Maybe they don't speak our language"

A recognizable voice called out for them.
"Victims? Bring them inside"

"Is that?.." She paused.

"No, it couldn't be..."
One of the villagers took them inside of the clinic.

The place is empty, with simple plants growing there, or were they simple?

"Oh" The person said. "I didn't expect you two to still be alive"

An extremely tall guy stood up from his seat, around 6'3, with a tail, teal blue eyes, muscles and armor. He stands on the light. Mega and Bloods are shocked.

"Okami!?" They said at the same time.

"Yes, it's me, Okami"

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