Chapter 13

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The 19th universe was knocked out of the Universal Orbit during the Grand Omni-Kings War, a war to gain the throne of the Omni King. Now then, travelling from a universe to the 19th one would take days to arrive, even with the fastest transportation technique. But a man with the intention of recreating the 19th universe appeared, what will the protagonists do about this?

"Hey Anima, let's go kill this man's friends, you registered the last planet we visit, right?"

"Ohhh..." His voice shook a bit. "I forgot to register the last planet..."

"Oh my- you know what? I will give you the mission to find them and kill them"

"Wait, why?"

"Because prideful people have a lot of potential, and they only have friends that also have pride, and we cannot risk our clan to be destroyed by those people!"

"Yikes! Ok, ok I'll go!" He entered an escape ship, and blasted off.

(In the Supreme Kai place)
Bloods is crying.

"Hey, hey, calm down... I bet you could make a good goddess of destruction"

"Was that something negative or positive with what you said earlier?.."

"Uh..." He thought for a moment. "It was meant to be positive"

"Whoever killed Okami, I will destroy them! I will destroy everything at sight!"

"Hey! Whoever killed Okami was a very strong person, you should not abuse your powers!"

"I don't care!" She flew up at a great speed, throwing dust around, Mega covered his face with his arm.

Bloods, do NOT mess up again, even though you make everything go wrong, I think I...

Bloods is no longer in sight.
What am I thinking...

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