Chapter 30

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Eternal gazed at the beautiful, red-leaf forest of her planet. It's beautiful! And it's night... the wind is blowing, owls are hooting. This is relaxing for her.

"Who the hell do you think you are to posses my body?!" A voice in her head spoke.

"Calm down darling, it will only last for awhile, since I will take this body completely soon"

"I was born in this body, I've done things with this body... it's mine! Give it back! Now"

"Shush now... why don't you just enjoy the view right now, let's relax, okay?"

"I can't relax when someone else is in my body!"

Eternal doesn't respond to her, as an idea sparked into her head. What if she used this planet to bait in innocent people to massacre them? Great idea! But, how? Ah! She doesn't even need to think about that, the only planets that get attention are the ones that are suitable for sustaining life. Free work right there, woo!

But... she needs to build a house, no- a slaughter house! Yes, that's what she needs to build right now. Or... just snap it in existence, she is a goddess, after all. She makes it! It's a striking slaughter house, looks like a simple mansion from the outside; but from the inside... very different. It's dark, filled with torches, the walls are made out of stone instead of wood, there's already torture tools inside!

"You know what would be exciting? If we tortured your little boyfriend, hehe"

She doesn't respond, as Eternal only hears her sad whimpers and cries.

"You make wonderful music, and you have an amazing body! It could seduce any male, light up their filthy fantasy.. and you have such mesmerizing eyes! Thanks for building your body for me, Bloods"

"I grew my body solely for me, I don't even know you!"

"Well now your friends shall know you as <Eternal>, that's only if I don't kill them, of course!"

This is too much for Bloods, things are going way too quick; she doesn't know where Mega is, the love of her life died... and now someone from hell possessed her body!? Any other person would be driven insane at this point, or they could even commit suicide. But Bloods isn't only a beautiful red angel, she is a smart woman as well...

"You... couldn't be evil enough..."

"What? How couldn't I be evil enough?"

"If you were evil... why did you make the water transparent... and not black? Black is my preferred color... hahaha..."

"I see that you're slowly becoming one with me, yes! How could I not think of that? I shall make the water filthy, pitch black" And that's what Eternal does, she makes the water pitch black. But what she doesn't know about it is...


Bloods and Mega are only 10, she's sitting on the bench while Mega is playing with training gear, Bloods is drinking water. She spits it out.

"Yuck! I hate water!" She stuck her tongue out.

Mega looked back at her. "You hate water? How is that possible?"

"It's just so gross! I don't know how any other person could drink it!"

"Let me try" Bloods handed over the bottle of water to Mega, he drinks it quickly. "Well that was refreshing"

She is shocked, how could someone drink water that fast, when it's gross!? "How could you drink that disgusting liquid?"

"Eh, I don't know. Maybe it's because of the training gear. Water is my favorite drink, if I ever found a planet with black water... I would drink it! I would drink water of all the colors!"

Bloods is impressed, but she has an unamused face. "You're stupid to think of that... who are you? I will give you the title of <Stupidest boy in the world>"

Mega smiled. "My name is Mega Quasar, you?" He reached for her hand for a handshake.

"Bloodsagore Nebula" They shook hands.

((Flashback end))

"Hello, you there?"

Bloods didn't notice Eternal was calling for her, she was distracted having a cute flashback. Bloods giggled, to fake her insanity.

"Good girl! I hope soon you become one with me, and look at these beautiful creatures I have made!" The animals are the same as planet Earth in universe 7. Elephants, ducks, monkeys... you name it, it's there. "What do you think?"

No response, all Bloods is thinking about is Mega's arrival to the planet. Either he knows that Eternal exists in her body, or he kills both...

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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