Chapter 23

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Mega laid his face against the glass. He personally vowed to bring back all of his friends and eliminate Sky. The installed voice of the ship/UFO spoke up. "Planet Kamen has been reached, please use your seat belts, we will be entering the atmosphere drastically". He placed the seat belts on.

They were entering the atmosphere, drastically. He landed on green surface of the planet steadily, he removed the seat belts, and got out of the ship, feeling the cold, fresh breeze of the pure air of the planet. He stretched.

"Now all I need to do is find the people so they can tell me where these dragon balls are" He flew.

He gasped as he saw the great destruction of a village with nothing but chaos, he stopped there. "Who would do this!?" He glanced at a recognizable man choking a child. "SKY!" He shouted.

Sky turned, letting go of the child. "Now this is cliche, what the hell are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here!?"

"Long story short, I want the dragon balls to revive Anima"

"That's where you're wrong! I'll get them to revive Bloods and the rest of my friends!"

"Well.. maybe you can save some of your friends, but Okami can not be restored"

"What do you mean..." He clinched his fist and pressed his teeth against themselves.

Sky sighed. "I'm not going to lose my time with someone so pitiful like you" He glowed an orange aura. "I'll have to end you to do my evil-doings... honestly, how disappointing, you could have been the new best of my clan"

"You killed my friends... and yet you want me to join your clan?.." His pupils shifted to an orange color, his voice changed. "At least I'll get the sweet taste of revenge..."

Sky laughed, but then realized... "Hey, that's a new phrase... heroes I've killed never said that, let me write it down" He took out a pen.

"Quit playing around with me!" He aggressively threw himself to Sky, shooting barrages of ki.  He rotated his pen quickly with two of his fingers and deflected them all. He closed his eyes and sighed. He grasped Mega's neck and nailed him onto the ground.

"People like you... really annoy me" His palm glowed red. Is this the end for Mega!?

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