Chapter 17

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The 19th universe was knocked out of the Universal Orbit during the Grand Omni-Kings War, a war to gain the throne of the Omni King. Now then, travelling from a universe to the 19th one would take days to arrive, even with the fastest transportation technique. But a man with the intention of recreating the 19th universe appeared, what will the protagonists do about this?

It hit Anima, point blank! Mega barely missed her attack, blasting off by the strenght of her new attack.

They both breathed heavily, watching how the beam slowly was fading.

"Did we get him?-" They were shocked, Anima was still alive, clear of damage, though, he had a red aura.

"What kind of monster are you..." Mega said.
"Let's just say, I can break my limits easily" He glanced at Bloods, and with his mere gaze, he tossed her to the nearest mountain at an unseeable speed, he teleported to her, tapping her shoulder, making her sky rocket as a yellow beam penetrated her, she screamed as gore spilled out of her mouth and wound (gut).

Mega yelled "Bloods!" as he quickly flew to where they were.

"Sorry to make your gorgeous eyes shut forever, but here is where you die bitch" He placed his hand on her chest, right between her breasts, a giant red light stabbed her entire torso, she heard how her own heart stopped beating, how she noticed she stopped feeling pain, how she couldn't think anymore... she was thrown through the mountain.

Her body landed, with her torso almost entirely gone, her lungs, heart, ribs... they weren't there anymore, they were evaporated.

Anima stepped onto the ground where she was, observing all the damage he easily made to her.
Mega saw this, and flew to Bloods. He placed his hand under her head.
"Bloods, Bloods!" He said with a desperate tone. "Come on, react!.." His eyes slowly filled with tears. She wasn't blinking, her head tilted down...

"Why don't you join your girlfriend in hell?"
He looked back at Anima with an angry look, his pupils turned orange.

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