Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

[JP sat in the classroom. He was very distracted and wasn't really himself. Ever since that mysterious Masked Boy came and went he had been very distracted. He had so many questions but none of them were answered. The bell rings and Yuma runs out of the classroom because he's excited to eat something. He is approached by Shark]

Shark: Still thinking about that masked duelist?

JP: Yeah. I have so many questions.

Shark: I saw the whole thing. I have many questions as well. But we must move on. From the look of things, he isn't coming back. How about you and I duel to get your mind off of things.

JP: Thanks, Shark, but I'm not in the mood to duel today.

[JP starts to walk away]

Shark: She's been asking about you.

JP: Tell her I'll come by later.

Shark: I will.

[JP walks outside to see Tori, Yuma, and Bronk having a discussion. Tori is blushing deeply but isn't about him this time]

JP: What's going on?

Tori: You know that actor Nelson Andrews?

JP: Yeah. He's from a television show where he plays a hero. What about him?

Tori: They've made a movie set down town and he's going to be there! He's so dreamy!

[JP starts to feel a little annoyed about how Tori is talking about Nelson but he chooses not to bring it up]

JP: So I guess you guys want to check it out?

Bronk: Yeah! It will be fun!

Tori: I'm going to meet a celebrity! I'm so excited!

[JP grows more annoyed]

JP: (Annoyed) Let's just go and get this over with. I don't see why he's such a big deal. He's just another person.

[The group look at each other]

Yuma: What's up with him?

Bronk: Beats me. He's been acting different ever since we met that masked duelist.

Tori: I'll find out what's wrong. He always tells me what's going on.

[JP is walking to the movie set]

JP: Nelson Andrews. He's just a normal guy. Nothing special about him.

[JP gets a text from his phone. It's from Kite]

Kite: (Text) We need to talk about the masked duelist.

JP: (Text) Later.

Kite: (Text) If you say so.

[JP puts away his phone and waits for the rest of the group]

JP: Nelson Andrews. Whatever.

[Tori, Yuma, and Bronk arrive at the movie set. Tori walks over to JP]

Tori: Hey, so what's been bugging you lately?

JP: I'm fine, Tori.

Tori: No, you're not. Now tell me what's wrong!

JP: Why don't you ask Nelson Andrews then?

Tori: This has to do with Nelson Andrews? He's just a celebrity!

JP: Apparently he's the center of your whole world. Just leave me alone, Tori.

[JP walks away. Tori starts to follow him but stops]

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