Chapter 1

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Hi there,

here I am again, attempting yet another story :P

Don't have much to say except that the person in the gif is supposed to be the main character, Liam Williams. Yummy right ;)?

Anyways, hope you enjoy the story!

Love, Michelle


Chapter 1

"Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us."

- Boris Pasternak

It started out as any ordinary Friday evening, at least ordinary as of lately. A party. A gathering of people drinking infinitive amounts of alcohol from the stereotypical red cups and grinding their sweaty bodies against each other on the temporary dance floor, originally a living room, at some guys house. This Friday was no different...

I took my hundredth chug from the beer bottle, leaning against the kitchen counter for support. Try as I might, I just couldn't seem to get drunk tonight. Taking yet another chug from the bottle, I kept trying to drown my depressed feelings with the cold liquor. To drown my self-pity.

I didn't succeed.

On the outside, I appeared to have everything an eighteen-year-old guy could possibly wish for. The looks. The body. The money. The girls. The unfair aptitude for sports. Absolutely everything.

On the inside, however, I felt empty. Bored. As lifeless as a zombie... or maybe not, at least they craved something, even if it was brains.

It started like a year ago. Prior to that, I'd both loved and appreciated everything I had. I'd loved being the popular guy. I'd loved being great at football. I'd loved that I could choose any girl I wanted, and she would say 'yes please'. I could have one-night stands each and every fucking night if I so wished. Offers I had utilized countless of times.

Then, gradually, the appreciation and enjoyment had withered, and an empty feeling had started to replace it, until one bloody day I'd basically woken up feeling absolutely nothing.

I no longer felt happy being the center of attention. The seductive looks I received from girls no longer made me hard. I supposed that was where my biggest issue lied. The increased lack of interest I found in girls.

Before, I'd had no problem listening to them jabbering away about non-important stuff, since I knew I'd get to fuck them afterward. But as I found myself less and less mesmerized by their bodies and beauties, I also found no need to listen to them talk, only growing annoyed since my buddy didn't seem to want to wake up when it was go-time. And it most certainly didn't help that my fucked-up brain had started to fantasize about – nope! Don't fucking go there, buddy! I berated my brain and took another chug from the bottle.

Either way, with a non-proper functioning dick, I'd come to learn life could feel pretty, fucking bland.

The sudden appearance of an arm around my shoulders rushed me back to reality; the thunderous 'thumpa, thumpa' from the stereo that almost crushed my eardrums; the kitchen - of whom it belonged to, I no longer remembered – filled to the brink with alcohol and red cups; Not to mention the people. The teenage boys and girls dancing everywhere, emptying the red cups in their hands and trying to have conversations on a screaming-level.

I looked to my right and noticed the arm belonged to none other than my best friend, also known as Luke Thompson.

His chocolate brown eyes, slightly hidden by his equally chocolate brown hair, smiled warmly at me, and his mouth was pulled into a huge, wolfish grin.

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now