Chapter 29

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"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

- Marthe Troly-Curtin

Wednesday couldn't come soon enough, and eventually it did. School couldn't be over fast enough, but eventually it was.

James and I had already decided to take our own vehicles and meet up at his place after school. That way, the risk of people noticing was smaller. It was also a plus that I didn't have to ride that death machine of his again.

My heart was hammering against my chest as I parked my baby in his drive way. I sent a quick text to the group chat I had with mom and dad, letting them know I was staying at a friend's place and that I would stay the night there as well.

I glanced at my outfit, double-checking my fly wasn't open or some other embarrassing shit, before I left the car. I walked across the front lawn, my shoes sinking into the soft grass underneath.

Once I'd reached the door, I drew in a deep breath, blew it out and raised my hand. The door flung open, without me knocking, and there he was. Standing before me. James King.

A smile spread over his lips. It grew bigger as we kept staring into each other's eyes.

"Hi," he breathed.

"Hi," I replied.


I bit my lip and shuffled a bit.

James cleared his throat. "I already said that, didn't I?"

I nodded my head while feeling the longing and yearning taking over my whole being. Fuck, I needed him, and it should scare me shitless. The way I seemed to crave this man as of late. I couldn't seem to get enough of him.

It was almost comic the way things had turned so quickly; from telling myself that I loathed this guy, to not being able to get enough of him.

He motioned for me to come inside.

I obliged.

Shivers of anticipation ran down my spine, different scenarios of what the evening had to offer danced around in my head, payed with my hormones. I even started to feel a bit dizzy.

"Where's Joshua?" I asked as I casted a glance into the house.

"Oh, well," James scratched the back of his head, "he's out." The way he said it, made me believe it wasn't a coincidence we had the house to ourselves.

That was all the encouragement I needed. I moved forward, taking James by surprise by crashing my lips onto his. Fuck, I missed this!

James groaned from the contact as his arms wrapped around me, pressing me closer to him.

I dove my tongue into his mouth, already feeling my member coming to life.

James broke the kiss. "Wait, wait a sec."

I was breathing hard but did as asked. I couldn't help but send him a questioning look, though, wondering why he wanted to stop. Was he not as horny as I was?

He offered me a smile. "No matter how much I also want to do... that... I was thinking we could, you know, maybe hang out a bit before we... you know... fuck each other's brains out."

My heart skipped a beat, my cheeks reddened. "Oh," I mouthed. Hang out, I tested the words in my head, feeling my heart warming.

"Yeah," James scratched his head again. "If that's alright?"

I quickly nodded my head. "Yeah, sure... umm... what do you wanna do?"

"You must be hungry. I could make something for us?" James rubbed his hands together, sending me a wink. "I make a wicked grilled sandwich."

I chuckled before nodding my head. "Grilled sandwich sounds great."


"No way! There's no way that happened!" I exclaimed between laughter.

James was laughing as well, but he nodded his head vigorously. "It sure did!"

"So you're telling me you pulled down his pants, in front of everyone? The whole class?" I asked incredulously.

James shrugged his shoulders, but the wicked glint in his eyes revealed everything. "Served him right for giving me detention."

"You're insane!" I guffawed. "What happened after that?"

"I got suspended for a week. Apparently, they don't take it too kindly when you pull down your teacher's pants."

I dried my eyes as the laughter subdued, looking at James as he gulped down the last of his sandwich.

My heartrate sped up as I followed the movements of his Adam's apple. The way it bobbed up and down. "You can pull down my pants any time you'd like," I whispered hoarsely and bit my lip.

James stilled as his eyes landed on me. He seemed to be taking in my appearance, his eyes growing darker. "Yeah?" The word left his lips softly, but the tension crackling between us only grew stronger.

I looked him dead in the eyes. "Yeah."

James swallowed, his eyes caressing different parts of my body, making me shiver in sweet anticipation.

James slowly rose from the chair and moved closer to me, each step making my heart beat faster. "I think I'd like to take that theory to test."

I sent him a cocky grin. "Be my guest."

Something almost sounding like a growl, escaped past James lips just as he reached me. He pulled me up from the chair and crashed his lips against mine, stilling some of my burning hunger. "Let's go to my bedroom and put that theory to test."

I sent him a teasing smile. "Let's."


Like I said, short... but at least the story is moving forward :)

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now