Chapter 5

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So, I decided to post chapter 5 as well:) Partly because it's a shorter chapter, but also because I want the story to get to the good stuff... and it's almost there (whoopwhooop :P)

Take care!

Love, Michelle


"The mistake is thinking that there can be an antidote to the uncertainty."

- David Levithan, The Lover's Dictionary

"Oh good, you're here!" Bianca exclaimed as they'd gotten closer to the tree I was still sitting under.

"Dude, we've been looking for you eeeverywhere!" Dave said before scratching the back of his head. "We'll, in the cafeteria at least... that is, until Mr. Halfwit over here remembered he'd already told you we were going to sit here during lunch. We must've lost a good twenty minutes of our lunch break," he complained, sending Luke a dirty look.

Luke just rolled his eyes before sitting down next to me. "Sorry man, my bad."

"Have you been here alone for a long time?" Bianca asked sympathetically, probably thinking anyone would find it embarrassing to be sitting alone.

I was about to tell them I hadn't been alone at all, but stopped myself before uttering the words. Maybe it was best to keep the encounters I'd had with James a secret. For some reason, they felt private. I also knew they would ask questions about it, which would inevitably lead to the party. And I absolutely didn't want them to find out about what had happened there... for many reasons.

"No, I haven't, so don't worry about it. If I'd felt all alone, I could have just called you guys." I said overly dramatic before smiling and shrugging my shoulders. "I just presumed the lunch queue was long."

Dave smacked his forehead. "Called! We could have called you! Why didn't you think of that Mr. halfwit?"

Luke snorted, raising his chin. "I wouldn't smack my head if I were you. You need the few brain cells you've got left."

"Whaaa! Why, you little –" Dave advanced on Luke, but lost his balance when Sabrina streched out her leg and tripped him. Dave landed on his butt with a loud thud. Before he had time to start with his complaints, Sabrina made herself comfortable in his lap.

"There, there." She patted his head. "No need to go all cavemen now. Here, have a peach." She handed over said fruit and Dave accepted it, albeit still grumbling under his breath.

Luke's smug grin could not have been wider.

Someone nudged my shoulder. I turned to see that the elbow belonged to Bianca. "I heard Joshua King called you last night and asked to hang out with you."

"He what now?" Dave asked.

My eyebrows rose in surprise. How did she know that?

It didn't take a genius to figure it out, even Dave would be able to handle that one, few brain cells or not. I shot Luke an annoyed look.

He raised his hands in the air. "Hey, I didn't know it was supposed to be a secret!"

"It wasn't!" I objected.

"Then I don't see what's the commotion's all about," he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

Bianca clapped her hands excitedly. "I would really like a handsome guy like him to join our group! Give us all the details of the call!"

I furrowed my brows. "That's about it. He said he'd gotten my number from some guy at school, then asked if I wanted to hang out some time."

"You would not be a good story teller," Bianca deadpanned.

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now