Chapter 32

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"So it's true when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love."
E.A. Bucchianeri

"Dude, where you've been?" Luke questioned as I entered the locker room and went over to my locker.

"Just had to take care of something," I muttered and threw my duffel bag on the bench.

Luke walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You okay, man?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, sensing a deja vú coming. Would it end the same way? Would I find James in the parking lot, after the game, waiting for me? Would I attack him or kiss him if he were to be there?

I couldn't believe he was doing this to me again! I felt all different kinds of betrayal. If there was something he and Joshua had to take care of, he could at least have the fucking decency and tell be about it. Or call me. Or, at the very fucking least, text me.

Anger was radiating off of me in waves, and I could tell Luke sensed it. He hesitantly removed his hand and went back to his locker.

After changing into my football gear, we left the locker room and headed for the football field. A wind passed by, bringing with it the smell of food from the concession stands. Hotdogs. Popcorn. Cotton candy. I drew in a deep breath.

I usually loved this part. Entering the field, seeing the bleachers filled with excited students and parents, holding up homemade sings and cheering us on, along with the cheerleaders. I spotted Bianca as she waved enthusiastically. I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

My gaze swept over the bleachers, trying to spot the face I'd grown so accustomed to. But he was nowhere to be seen. Or maybe he was, and I just couldn't find him. Let's just say the bleachers were stuffed.

Coach instructed us about warm-up, and we obliged like the good soldiers we were. After, we gathered around coach and listened to his usual speech, talking about tactics and spurring us on. "It's time!" Coach yelled lastly, making us all cheer.

This was it. I had to refocus my attention. No more James King, at least not tonight. I strapped on the helmet, making sure my mouthpiece was in place before taking my position on the field.

This was it. The audience was buzzing with anticipation as the referee gave the clear sign.

This was it. Our quarterback shouted out a play and the game was on.

This was it. I started to run, aiming for the part of the field where our opponents were, two hundred and fifty pounds of red and white running toward us at full speed.

This was it. High amounts of testosterone were running through my veins, taking over my body and mind as I increased my own speed.

This was it.

Or so I'd thought.

Loud sounds were suddenly echoing around us, filling the field and silencing the audience. I kept running, not sure what was going on, but my mind was still firmly set on the game.

A whistle, being blown harshly, stopped the game and my run slowed down to a stop. What was happening?

I looked around at my teammates and our opposing team. They had all stopped running. Some were talking to their teammates while others were already talking to the referee, seemingly upset.

I took off my helmet and I glanced over at the audience. Almost the whole bunch of them had gone dead quiet, but all eyes were focused in the same direction. The direction that seemed to produce the loud sounds. With furrowed brows I turned around. My eyes landed on the big screen that was located on one of the shorter ends of the field. It wasn't supposed to be on right now, but it was.

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now