Chapter 14

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Two chapters within 24 hours, that's not so bad, eh ;)? Although this one's quite short, sorry for that...

Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Love, Michelle


I can not let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.

- A.S. Byatt

The kiss was just as intense and overwhelming as the one we'd shared at the party. And just like last time, I was powerless against his touch. Powerless against his kisses.

Lips were moulding. Tongues were clashing. He was holding onto me so tightly, it felt like he was trying to make the two of us become one.

And he was succeeding.

I grabbed onto his neck, desperately deepening the kiss. Trying to challenge his dominance by sucking on his tongue, coaxing it into my mouth. He growled deep down his throat, pushing against my own tongue.

He set burning flames on my skin wherever his hands travelled. My abs coiled and retracted as his fingers slipped under my shirt. But they didn't travel upwards, as I had expected. Instead they went further down, reaching my jeans.

I moaned into his mouth as he grazed the outline of my hardening dick. The rough material of my boxers and jeans intensified the sensation as he started stroking me through the fabric.

"Liam," he breathed in between kisses, squeezing me harder.

It was overwhelming.

His kisses. His tongue. God, his hands. It was too much.

And just like last time, my body wanted him, nay, needed him even though my mind still didn't. But unlike last time, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop this myself, no matter how much I might have wanted to.

"Please," I begged between his kisses, groaning as he squeezed me tighter still. I was already dripping pre-cum. "S-stop. Please just... I-I can't take this." As I said the words, I kept my eyes shut, too afraid to open them.

There was a pause in his movements. The only thing interrupting the silence were our ragged breaths. Our chests connecting each time we expanded our lungs.

Ever so slowly, he retracted his head, and I knew he was looking at me. I drew in a deep breath and opened my own eyes. His crystal blues were dark, burning with barely contained lust.

Mine were pleading.

He closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead against mine. "Say the words, and I'll stop."

"Say what?" I was confused. Didn't I just ask him to stop?

He grabbed my neck and grinded his hard member against mine, the fabric of jeans in between creating a painfully wonderful friction. "That you want this," he breathed, "just as much as I do."

I opened my mouth, ready to object, but found myself unable to. I closed my mouth before opening it again. "What's happening to me?" I whispered instead, shaken by the overwhelming feelings that seemed to have overtaken my whole being.

He leaned his forehead against mine again, trying to even his breathing. "The same thing that's happening to me."

We stayed silent for a while, perhaps neither one of us knowing what to say next. Perhaps both of us shamefully enjoying the confused yet arousing moment we were in. Well, the teeny tiny part of me that wasn't scared shitless by it, of course.

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now