Chapter 2

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Here's chapter 2, hope you'll enjoy :)

The person in the gif plays James King XD

Love, Michelle


"God put us here, on this carnival ride. We close our eyes never knowing where it'll take us next."
- Carrie Underwood

As the first rays of the morning sun penetrated the venetian blinds, I was lying in my bed, tired, but still wide awake. I hadn't slept a wink all night. The horrible scene from yesterday refused to leave my mind. I had tried everything. I had even tried the whole warm-milk-thing in the early morning, but nothing had helped.

Fuck this shit! I thought angrily, burying my head in the pillows. What was wrong with me? I, Liam Williams, who had basically felt nothing these past couple of months, had just been kissed by a guy and a whole bomb of emotions had exploded inside of me. From a guy, for fucks sake!

I groaned into the pillow, trying to convince myself that it had been an alcohol malfunction. I must have been drunker than I'd thought. And in my drunken state my mind must have thought I felt lust for the guy when in reality, I just hadn't been with anyone for quite a while. It was just pent up desire accidentally blowing up when someone had kissed me... because of the alcohol, and possibly the joint. Yeah. Yeah, that must be it.

I ignored the small part of my brain that reminded me I'd been able to drive home without any difficulties whatsoever. Something a drunk person would not have been able to pull off.

With newly gained resolution, I changed position and made myself more comfortable in the bed. Soon enough, the well-desired sleep swept me to la-la-land.


The sound of Eminem's song Loose yourself filled my bedroom – what? It's a classic – and woke me up. I groaned loudly, knowing I'd not had enough sleep. Particularly considering it was Sunday and you were supposed to get as much sleep as you wanted on Sundays.

With my eyes still closed, I felt around with my hand on the nightstand and soon found my phone.

I dragged it to my ear. "What?" I barked out groggily.

"Dude, don't tell me you're still sleeping?" Was the amused reply from the other end.

"What if I am?" I muttered, still annoyed that my sleep had been interrupted.

"Dude, it's two in the fucking afternoo – Ohh! You went home with a girl, didn't you? I knew there had to be a reason you bailed so early and left me hanging," Luke laughed.

I froze, not having figured out whether or not to tell my best friend what had happened yesterday. Then again, nothing had happened right? I mean, I had already figured out I had mistakenly liked the guy's kiss because I'd been drunk, and high...

"Yeah, yeah that's it," I murmured, feeling kind of bad for lying. Then again, I had been with so many girls that lying about one that didn't happen didn't really matter. "Sorry I left you there though, shouldn't have done that," I continued sincerely.

"Nah, it's alright mate. Actually had a girl myself. A really hot redhead. And let me tell you, it's true what they say about redheads in bed," he replied smugly.

I chuckled, rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

"By the way, I was actually calling to see if we are still on for some soccer later? The other guys are still on... well except for Dave, who once again has a horrible hangover," Luke continued, clearly amused about the last part.

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now