Chapter 13

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About the only time losing is more fun than winning is when you're fighting temptation.

- Tom Wilson

During the rest of the soccer game James steered clear of me. At first, I was relieved. But the more time that passed, the more close-contact situations he dodged, the tighter this uncomfortable knot formed in my stomach.

I didn't like it.

Not one bit.

After we called it quits, we went to "A Slice of Heaven". To my surprise, neither James nor Joshua joined us. They said they had to get home, and that was that. James didn't even look at me as they said their goodbyes.

It left me in an even grumpier state, something my friends quickly picked up on. However, they waved it off on the hangover and mostly left me be.

I was home by eight, took a long shower, landed on the bed with a loud thud and I was out.

It wasn't until lunch break on Monday that I got to see James again.

I didn't know whether to smile or grimace when I spotted his brown mop of hair walk through the cafeteria. Joshua was high on his heels. They were caught up in a conversation and weren't looking at me. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down.

What the fuck was the matter with me? Jeez, if I had a penny for each time I've asked myself that lately...

My eyes seemed to get a will of their own as they stayed on him and admired – no, I meant studied his appearance.

His chocolate brown hair was styled in its usual mohawk. The haircut looked good on him, I could confess as much. His well-defined jaw had a slight stubble today, like he'd forgotten to shave this morning, which really complimented his plump lips.

Whoa, don't even go there!

I shook my head, scolding my thoughts. But I couldn't stop myself from continuing my very, very impartial observations.

I hated the fact that he was so tall. I also didn't like that he was bulkier than me. Stronger as well. Something he'd clearly proven at the party. Like, was he on steroids or what? I mean, I was a strong guy!

Objectively it was easy to note that he was an extremely good-looking guy. Not that I would ever admit it out loud.

We both also seemed to have a fondness for ripped jeans. The once he wore today were stonewashed and went well with his white shirt and black leather jacket.

As I studied his appearance, I noticed he kept looking around while he and Joshua made their way to the lunch queue. So far, I had been able to study him without his awareness. But all of a sudden, it was as if he could sense it. He quickly turned his head and his eyes locked with mine.

I swallowed.

I'd had no time to look away, and once again he'd caught me staring at him. I felt my cheeks grow warm. Yet, I was unable to tear my gaze away. My heart started to beat faster. My hands became clammy. Out of nowhere, it felt as if all I wanted to do was to walk over to him. To have him press me up against a wall like he'd done before. To have his lips pressed against my neck. His teeth scrape against my skin.

I shifted in my seat.

When it was his turn to pay for the food he finally broke eye contact, breaking the spell I'd unwillingly been captured in.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and nervously looked at my friends. It didn't seem like they had noticed anything. They were still chatting away happily.

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