Chapter 30

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This chapter is certainly longer, even than the last two combined ;)


"You are the risk I'll always take"

- Unknown

"Good morning, babe."

My eyes fluttered open and I came eye to eye with the most gorgeous emerald greens. A smile tugged at my lips and I reached out a hand and caressed his cheek. "Mornin'."

James leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against mine. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept great," I smiled, relishing in the feeling of his close proximity. I wouldn't exactly mind it if I got to wake up like this every day from now on. "You?"

"Couldn't have slept any better."

I stretched my body and glanced around for a watch. "What time is it?"

James leaned over me and reached for his phone on the nightstand. The feeling of his body above mine was a nice reminder of yesterday's events. I felt my cheeks grow warm. I had thought it would hurt less after the first time... guessed it only worked that way for girls...

But no matter how much the begging always seemed to hurt, the end was too good not to want it again... and again, and again.

"It's a little past seven."

My eyes doubled in size. "Past seven?! We need to get up, or we're gonna be late." I tried to push James off me. He quickly wrapped his arms around my body, pinning me down. I looked over at him and the way he was holding onto me; like a little, stubborn child, refusing to let go. "What are you doing?" I deadpanned.

James face was pressed against the sheet, but I could still make out his muffled words. "Let's ditch school."


James lifted his head and met my gaze. "Yeah. Let's do something, just the two of us."

My heart did some flipflops as I contemplated his suggestion. The idea of spending the whole day together, just the two of us, was tempting as fuck. Were there a way I could pull this off without my parents noticing?

Did I even care?

I reached out a hand and wiped a few strands of hair from his forehead. "Okay."

James face lit up in a bright smile. "Yeah?"

My lips mirrored his. I couldn't help it, his smile was fucking contagious. "Yeah."

"Great!" James let go of my waist but scrambled onto his knees and moved so he was hovering above me. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. "Thank you, you won't regret it."


"Where are we going?"

"Be patient. It's just a little bit further."

"You said that ten minutes ago," I grumbled under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest.

The corner of James lips tugged upward. He let go of the steering wheel with his right hand, then proceeded to tug my left hand free and intertwine our fingers. My chest itched. "That's because it was true then, and it's true now."

I wanted to object some more but couldn't really come up with a good retort. However, since I was still feeling frustrated, I focused on something else instead. "I can't believe you convinced me you should drive my baby."

James glanced over at me, a smug smirk planted on his face. "That's because only I know where we're heading."

"You could've just told me."

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now