Chapter 25

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"Why must this be so mortifying? Oh, that's right. Because it's my life."

― Tessa Dare

I woke to the feeling of being at peace. Happy.

That, and very, very hard. Something between a groan and a moan slipped past my lips, my eyes squeezing shut tighter.

"Morning, babes," James whispered, his lips close to my ear. "You're finally up, I see," I could tell his words held a double meaning as my eyebrows grew close together. I realized he was caressing my already hard member, his hand gently stroking it, up and down, up and down.

My eyes fluttered open, meeting a pair of emerald green orbs. They were so close I could almost count the number of golden specks in them. "Mmm, mornin," I managed to get out before moaning.

"I thought about waiting til you woke up, but I want your dick in my mouth so fucking badly, I couldn't wait any longer," he whispered huskily, studying my face as he squeezed my member tightly.

Jesus, I was already hard as a rock. What this guy did to me...

James started stroking me faster, and I closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling, my heart pumping faster, my blood rushing south, my member pulsating.

I felt a pair of lips on my neck, sucking it gently. I turned my head to the side, providing him better access. But he was already moving his kisses further down. "You taste so good." James murmured. "Male." A kiss. "Sex." Another kiss. I bit down on my lower lip.

He moved further down still and started kissing my chest. His stubble scraped my skin, tickling it in the process. I chuckled and tried to squirm away.

James stopped to look up at me. "What?"

"Sorry, I'm just kind of ticklish," I murmured while brushing a strand of hair from his eyes.

A wicked glint entered James eyes and I stilled. "Really? You're ticklish?"

Uh-oh, I could sense where this was headed, and I didn't like it, not one bit. Besides, I was hard as a rock, desperately looking for the release he'd been about to offer.

"No, I'm not." I replied carefully, about ready to put some distance between us, release or no release. I just really needed to stop him from what I feared he was about to do next.

I didn't even have time to sit up before James was straddling me, grabbing my arms and pulling them over my head.

"W-what are you doing?" I could hear the fear in my voice. Feel it in my body. James locked both of my hands in one of his, leaving his right hand free. A wicked grin pulled his lips upwards. "No, no, please, please – ahh!"

The moment he started tickling me, I started hollering, my whole body squirming as I tried to get out of his grip.

"No, James! P-please stahahaha!"

James was laughing as well, but he didn't listen to my pleas. Instead, he ruthlessly went for my armpits.

I felt my stomach churning. Panic rose inside me. "P-Please stop t-tickling mahaha-meh! I far –"

The loud sound reverberated through my intestines, leaving my freaking ass and echoing in the room, making James grow still above me. Dead silence emerged as James stared down at me, blinking.

I didn't move, hopelessly praying he hadn't heard it.

James opened his mouth, then closed it again. He went for another try. "Did you just fart –"

Heartless Love (boyxboy) Book 1 (Slowly Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora