Chapter 26

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Tonight, I'll post two chapters :)

Hope you guys enjoy!

Love, Michelle


"This must be what a fly felt like when it was caught fast in a spider's web."

― R.K. Lilley

I'd just managed to pull on my clothes when James went up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a kiss on my neck. I shuddered, the memories of this day and a half I'd spent with him were all swirling around in my head, making me dizzy and horny all over again. I couldn't seem to get enough of him.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I basically eat anything."

James chuckled darkly. "Yeah, you've certainly proved that these last twenty-four hours."

My cheeks heated and I probably looked like a ripe tomato. I was glad he couldn't see my face. "Look who's talking," I snorted, trying to play it off cool.

James chuckled. "Babes, I could eat you everyday and never need breakfast ever again," he murmured, bumping his lower region into my ass, making me flustered all over again.

"Well, well, well, look what we've got here." A voice spoke up from behind us.

James and I quickly turned around and my heart jumped into my throat.

Joshua was casually leaning against the doorway to James room, in his hands a steaming cup of coffee, and a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "This sure is a surprise," Joshua continued, eyes sparkling sharply as he took a sip from his cup.

"Josh! What are you doing here?" James asked, sounding just as stunned as I felt.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Had we left the door to James room open? Why hadn't we been more careful?! My heart was hammering against my chest. My hands were getting clammy. There was only one word repeating itself over and over again in my head. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Last I checked, I also lived here, bro." Joshua shrugged his shoulders. "I got home last night. You must not have heard me. Wish I could say the same..." He sniggered out the last sentence before taking another sip from his cup.

I was frozen into place. Millions of questions were running through my mind, yet nothing dared to come out.

"I was curious who you were pleasing so fervently." Joshua continued. "Never would have guessed it'd be you Liam."

There was something in his eyes that made me feel uneasy. Apprehensive. It sent off the warning signals in my gut, telling me something felt off. Just like Joshua's behavior this whole week.

"Liam, could you go wait outside? I'll drive you home in just a sec." James asked, or more like told, me, never turning around, still facing his brother.

"I thought you just told him you would make him breakfast... or some sort of eating?" Joshua mused.

"Sure..." I replied hesitantly to James request and went for the door.

Joshua stepped aside so I could pass him, and I did, but not before casting them a last glance. James and Joshua kept staring at each other. The tension in the room was palpable.

With one last look, I headed for the staircase and didn't stop until I reached the hallway. My mind was filled with questions. My heart was hammering against my chest, almost bruising my lungs.

I was scared shitless about us having been found out. What if Joshua told someone? I wasn't anywhere near ready to have people find out about what was happening between me and James.

Even though I'd already made up my mind that I wanted to be with him – this weekend had proved as much – I wasn't sure I was ready to tell people yet.

And why had it been so tense between James and Joshua? Maybe Joshua wasn't happy that James had lied to him, about me not being gay? Maybe he was jealous. He had flirted with me, after all.

These were the thoughts that ran through my mind as I absentmindedly put on my shoes and walked outside, doing what James had asked of me and waited.

But I couldn't stand still. I kept pacing back and forth on their front lawn, almost having reached a panicked state when I heard the front door open. I looked up and saw James step out.

I glanced at my wristwatch. I must have waited a good twenty minutes. What had they talked about up there?

I looked at James face, took in his grim expression. He glanced my way before walking to the driveway.

"We're taking the car." His tone was cut. Emotionless.

I swallowed before following behind. I got into the passenger seat just as James started the car and took off.

We drove in silence for the first few blocks. I could tell James was tense. His knuckles were turning white from holding onto the steering wheel so tightly.

I drew in a deep breath. "What happened?" I asked, the unknown killing me.

James hold on the steering wheel tightened. "Nothing."

My eyebrows rose to the roof and I turned to glare at him. I was in this just as much as he was. I had a fucking right to know. "The hell nothing happened, look at you!" I exclaimed.

James cast me a harsh glare, probably trying to intimidate me into shutting up. I was having none of that.

"What happened?" I pronounced each word slowly, letting him know I wasn't backing down.

James glanced over at me again, and I could tell he was giving in. He heaved a deep sigh. "Joshua doesn't like being lied to."

So, it was what I had suspected. Joshua was mad at James for lying. The remaining question, however, was what he was going to do about it, now that he knew?

"What if he tells someone? James, I'm not sure I'm ready to – " I started, feeling panic rise inside of me.

James right hand left the steering wheel and grabbed ahold of mine. He squeezed it reassuringly. "I'll take care of my brother, okay?" He sent me a sincere look. "I promise."

I looked at him long and hard. It's not that I didn't trust him, I just wasn't sure I could trust Joshua. Then again, why should I not? Joshua had been nothing but kind since day one. Would he really do something so cruel as to tell my friends, just because he was mad at James?

The drive home was too short. Before I knew it, James had parked the car outside my gate and killed the engine.

He turned to me and looked into my eyes. Seconds passed while we just stared at each other. He reached out a hand and caressed my cheek. "Listen, Joshua can be jealous and stubborn, but he's not a bad guy. He won't do anything even though he's mad right now." He offered me a small smile. "I'll call you, okay?"

It was clear he wanted me to leave. I just hated how abruptly it all had to end.

It had literally been one of the best days of my life, and I wanted him to know that. Yet the words were stuck on my tongue. Wouldn't leave my lips. And so, I just nodded my head and left the car. I stayed by the side of the road and watched as he drove away, only to realize that we still hadn't exchanged phone numbers. Well, this was all just great...

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