Chapter 3

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Aaand, this is chapter 3 ;)

Here is a pic of James again... Agh, he's so gorgeous! :P


"I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer."

-       Woody Allen

"How was history?" Luke asked as our paths crossed in the hallway, which was already filled with chattering teenagers.

"Oh, the usual. Mr. Williams kept rambling on and on about the second world war." I shrugged my shoulders. "I can't believe how someone can be so fascinated about something so totally boring," I muttered.

"His chance of catching any students interest in his classes are probably as high as the survival rate of those warriors – nonexistent," Luke added with a chuckle. I hummed in agreement. "What do you have now?"

"Biology. You?"

Luke looked at his schedule that was taped onto the inside of his locker and groaned. "Math."

I leaned into my locker to hide my smile and picked out the books I needed for next class. Math wasn't exactly Luke's forte, let's just leave it at that. "Well, good luck," I offered.

"Yeah, yeah, see you at lunch," he muttered and closed his locker, ready to go meet his doom.

"See ya!" I shut my locker and headed to the science wing.

Trying to maneuver through the clusters of students while in a hurry, I wasn't looking carefully enough and suddenly bumped into something solid and warm. The books flew from my arms and scattered across the floor. Apparently, the same thing happened to the person I had bumped into and a harsh curse left his mouth.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" The person growled.

"Gee, sorry, no need to go all mad-man," I muttered out the last part, bending down to pick up my things.

The other person copied my actions, growling under his breath all along. I chanced a glance in his direction and was met with the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Specks of gold laid splattered close to the pupil, demanding attention from anyone passing by. Why I would be so unfortunate to notice, I couldn't say. But I did recognize those eyes. An uneasy knot formed in my stomach.

"You," we both said in union. However, my voice was uneasy whereas he sneered the word, all the while glaring daggers at me. Whoa!

I was too shocked to do anything but stare back at him, but he'd already picked up his books and was standing again.

He looked down at me, his eyes casting a vicious glare. "Watch where you're going next time, will you," he spat.

The coldness in his voice left me flabbergasted, my mouth opening and closing like a fish on dry land.

"So not cool, James!" Someone to my left shouted.

I was too dazed to look up and see who'd said it. Instead I continued to gather my books.

"Fuck off, Josh!" I heard the guy shout back, gaining curious looks from nearby students, and then he was gone.

"Here, let me help you with that," the person murmured and bent down, helping me pick up my books.

"It's fine," I muttered, but the guy still helped me. Once finished, I stood up and finally looked at the guy. "Thank you, you didn't have to."

"Well, if my brother's going to behave like an ass, someone should at least apologize for him," the guy chuckled.

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