Chapter 7

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    Things with Clarice are getting worse. There are now more portals opening up. Caitlin and Marcos have been gone for way too long and I’m starting to get worried. I hope that they get back safely. The red haired girl, Sonia, is telling others to evacuate. Pieces of the ceiling are collapsing and the place is shaking. Everyone is running and yelling at others to keep moving.

    We were already outside when we see Marcos and Caitlin come running to us. She goes over to hug her children and then me and Lisa.

    “Give me the medication.” Marcos says to her.

    She turns around. “What?”

    “I’ll try to give it to her.” he says.

    “You don’t know the dosage. Too much can make this worse!” Caitlin says.

    “Caitlin-” Marcos starts.

    “Marcos, keep everyone safe.” Caitlin says, starting to walk inside. She looks at me, Andy, Lauren, and Lisa. “Stay here.”

    “Mom!” Lauren and Andy say in unison.

    “Caitlin, be careful!” I yell.

    “Stay here and be careful!” she says going inside.

    “Mom!” Lauren screams. Andy wants to follow his mother but I pull him back. I hold him in his arms. I know how it feels to worry for your mom. The only difference is that your mom is going to live.

    “Oh God. I hope she’ll be okay.” I say to no one in particular. What I said must’ve really worried Andy, because he starts to whimper. I let go of him. I’m not used to making people feel better. I can’t say anything to him. Not because I don’t know what to say to him. But because I don’t know what I might say to him is going to be true.

    “Who? Clarice or Caitlin?” Lisa asks.

    “Both.” I answer, playing with my sleeve. I do that when I get nervous or scared. It’s one of my tells. I smile when I lie, my voice cracks when I’m sad, and my voice gets high-pitched when I’m mad.

    “Don’t worry, Ella.” Lisa says. “Caitlin knows what she’s doing.”

    I nod. “Yeah. Of course.”

    All of a sudden, the wind stops. The portals close. I let out a deep breath and I can hear Lisa say “Thank God” behind me. I go up to her to give her a hug. I feel safe now, knowing that Caitlin and Clarice are okay. After I let go of Lisa, I immediately turn around to see a hopeful Andy.

    “My mom is going to be okay?” he asks.

    I nod, smiling. “Yeah, she’s okay. Everything is going to be okay and we will find you dad.”

    What happens next is something I don’t expect. Next thing I know, Andy’s lips are on mine. I’m so confused. I don’t know if I should pull away or if I shouldn’t. I have mixed feelings about everything. I mean, I like him, but I don’t think I should be with him. Not after what happened with. No. I can’t think about that right now.

    “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” I hear Lisa says. “Back away from the chick, okay?”

    Andy breaks the kiss and he looks really embarrassed.

    “Lisa, it was just a kiss.” I say. “Calm down.”

    “Just a kiss? You are fifteen!” Lisa says. “I don’t want you dating any boys yet. Especially not this one!”

Just A Little Longer || The Gifted FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon