Chapter 28

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    We get back to the Underground. Ellen decided to leave town with someone she knew so we basically left empty-handed. But we did get information about what Otto used to do at Trask. Apparently, he was trying to find a way to take the X-gene out of Reed so the dangerous power of the Von Struckers wouldn’t go into him. I guess he worked with some chick named Madeline to finish the work.

    Weird commotion starts up. I’m confused on why, then out of nowhere a mutant yells that the Sentinels are here. I try not to panic but it’s hard. I have always been scared of the Sentinels. And now this is my about third time being attacked by them. Everyone is running in a screaming panic. Without Lorna, Marcos, John, or Clarice here, we are disorganized. I don’t want to be caught by Sentinels. If Lisa was here, she’d save all of us. Save me.

    You idiot! Lisa isn’t here anymore.
Forget about her.

    I look at Reed and Caitlin. Caitlin notices that we can go through the vault thing. What she and a few others do is try to pick up the bricks that are through the wall. While their doing that, me Lauren, Andy, and a few other kids try to keep Sentinels from getting in as much as possible. I hope that the gang gets back soon, I think to myself.

Guards outside are trying to come in and they are using whatever force necessary. I bite back with my strong shakes and wind blows. I learned this new way to use my powers by lifting strong, sharp pieces of Earth from the ground to pierce through the guards. Harsh, I know, but it’s the only way to keep them from getting to the Underground.

    Don’t let them through.
    Don’t let them through.
    Don’t let them through.

    The energy flows through my body and out to my hands as the rock from other areas come falling down like rain onto the Sentinels. They scream like cowards as the rocks crumble on top of them. Lauren looks at me with fear in her eyes. The same way I looked at Lisa when she said she killed Mom and Dad is the same way that Lauren’s looking at me now. I look at my hands, scared at who I just became. I became something that I thought I’d never become.

    I’m becoming a monster.
    A deadly one at that.

    Caitlin and the other mutants have finally got a hole big enough for everyone to get through. The plan is for everyone to go through the hole and for Lauren and Andy to do their “joy to the world” hand holding mess and destroy the building. They’re basically faking their deaths. We all are. Including me.

I leave the building and I go with Caitlin and Reed to go up through the woods so the siblings can do their thing. We wait for a minute and in an instant the building basically dissolves. I pray for Lauren and Andy to come and not get caught by Sentinels and then they appear. We keep on moving away from the scene so we don’t get caught. Lauren looks at me with that same look.

    “E, can I talk to you?” she asks.

    “Yeah?” I says.

    “Why did you kill those people?” her voice is small and weak and full of fear.

    “I couldn’t risk losing you, Lauren. I couldn’t risk losing any of you. I had to do it.” I say.

    “Have you ever considered that…maybe that’s what Lisa did during the escape?” she asks.

I’ve never thought of that. Lisa was trying to save my ass and I yelled at her.

“Oh my God.” I say. “You’re right. I’m a shitty sister.”

Just A Little Longer || The Gifted FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin