Chapter 21

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Everything has been a big blur since Lisa told me about her being the reason our parents died. I have been avoiding her ever since. I wish I wasn’t like this, but I’m so hurt right now. But I have to not think about it.. I need to let go for now in order to focus on getting these poor mutants out of a terrible situation.

The Underground gave me, Lauren, Andy, Clarice, and Sonya a mission. Though I don’t talk to her as much, Sonya, she has helped me recently keep me from sending the building falling apart with Lisa below it. God, I sound so dark. What’s wrong with me?



peaking of destroying the building, turns out my BFF and my boyfriend have this twin power thing. I mean, it would be a twin thing if they were twins. It turns out that their great-grandfather and his sister were the famous Fenris twins. They were powerful by themselves but together, they can do unspeakable things.

I guess Lauren and Andy have Andrea and Andreas’ exact power. Lisa and I would read old newspapers and articles about Fenris. I was so fascinated about them. When we were younger, Lisa and I always dreamed of being like Fenris. Minus the whole, killing people thing that they had going for them.

Anyways, Lauren and Andy actually tried their powers together while holding hands. It was like a joy to the world kind of thing, but ending with the siblings almost killing everyone. They looked like they were enjoying it. They said before they almost killed everyone that it felt like they were seeing out of the same eye, which is not creepy at all.


We are in the lab of Trask Industries. Basically, Reed’s dad, Otto worked here before it shut down and got reopened. Now the place is ran by some dude named Dr. Roderick Campbell. They drug mutants and turn them on us. That’s what happened to the mutant that attacked us, Chloe. She died because of it. We are in Trask’s lab to make sure no one else like her dies.

In a van near the lab, Reed and Caitlin are giving us directions. We go to the places that they tell us to go to. Since Sonya’s powers are to see into people minds and take their memories or give them new ones, she took the memories of a worker, which got us the very small amount of directions that led us around the lab.

We are doing good until the robots that the Sentinels made come out of nowhere. I guess they found us, somehow. We are now running as fast as we can, but the robots keep on coming closer.




Clarice is the first one to get caught.

“No!” I yell. Clarice tells us to go along without her. We obey and we keep on running. The robots are speeding up. Andy tries to destroy them like last time. But they don’t break. They have improved since last time.

There is not enough energy in my body, but I keep on pushing and pushing to escape. To get away. My worst nightmare is to be caught by Sentinels. Whichever, however, whenever. They’ll get me.

My nightmare came true.

They got Sonya and finally got me. Lauren and Andy were still running. They didn’t want to leave us. But it’s too late.

“They may have caught us, but you guys still have a chance!” I yell. “Go!”

They nodded and kept on running.

As the Sentinels get us, I think to myself that this is the end. That I will be drugged and would have to attack the people I love. I also think to myself a big mistake I have done just recently.

I haven’t even told Lisa I love her.


    I’m not a good person. I’m sarcastic and lack empathy. I’m usually the last person people think about. I’m selfish and impulsive. I bring everyone down with me.

    “Why do you say that about yourself?” I hear Esme ask. I look up from the newspaper. Since Ella and I stopped talking, I took the form of reading newspapers to distract. Sure, they were 2001 newspapers, but they worked perfectly as a diary. I would normally draw pictures and wrote in the blank spots or where ever there wasn’t a wet spot. I guess Esme heard my loud narrative voice in my head to decide to pop in.

    She wasn’t bad company. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. She acted exactly like the person. Esme was pretty, anyone sane person could. But only I could see her as beautiful. Wait, does Elisabeth Schmidt like the new girl?

    “Because I can.” I say as she sits down next to me. I look back at the newspaper and back at her. “It’s good therapy, or so I’ve heard.” She giggles.    
    “You shouldn’t drag yourself down, it doesn’t make the situation better.” She says.

    “Thanks, Captain Obvious.” I say. I look back down at what I wrote, specifically where it said ‘I’m sarcastic.’

    “Should I try and be a better person?” I ask.

    “If that’s who you are.” She grabs my shoulder gently and I look at her. “Be the real you.”

    Should I? The real me isn’t nice. She doesn’t care what anyone has to say. She empowers herself to be stronger. She hates being weak. But she’s awesome. Yet it hurts everyone around her.

    Why should I care anymore? No one wants me around. I’m always everyone’s last thought. I’m the “adult.” Well guess what? It sucks! I hate being the strong one! I hate having to contain my powers for everyone’s safety. I wanna be free. And perhaps Esme could help me.


  The Struckers, Sonya, Clarice and Ellana were going on a suicide mission to “Save the Mutants!” I almost wanted to barf at how proud everyone was. I never liked helping people. They were just, helpless. And I didn’t want to save them from themselves. So I stayed, with Esme as my temporary roommate. She explained to me the situation with her sisters. I used to wince on the mention of ‘sister’ but now I don’t. I shouldn’t be ashamed of something I did years ago. Yes it still hurts, but I moved on and I forgave myself. It’s Ellana who doesn’t want to accept me.

    “I miss them.” She says. I look at her. We were sitting on the bed with our backs against the walls.

    “Break them out. Do something like a prison break. You could, like, do explosions. And shoot guns. Pew, pew, pew.” I say, mocking the sound of a gun using my hands.

    Esme laughs. “I actually, wanted to ask you something.” I stop and urge her to continue. “I want to help the mutants escape. But it might cause damage. Lots of damage.”

    “Damage? As in,” I move my index finger across my neck. Esme nods.

    Esme wants to save the mutants from the underground, not just her sisters. She may have to kill people to get it.

    “See, I’m sensitive towards blood.” I say.

    “I can’t guarantee that I will have to kill someone, but I’m just saying that it may be an option.” She says. Rescuing mutants. I’ve never thought of myself as a mutant rights activist. Maybe it won’t work with a simple protest with signs. Force. Telling the humans whose the superior species. We have powers, let’s use them.

Count me in.”

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