Chapter 22

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    I’m in a cell. Sonya and Clarice are next to me. But no Andy. No Lauren. They probably got away, I think to myself. I sigh as I think about how stupid I was to be mad at Lisa for killing Mom and Dad. Even though she did what she did, it was a mistake. At least I have a sister to lean on when I was sad or lonely. Someone that understood me the most. No one, not even Lauren, could understand me the way Lisa does. And now, I might not see her for a long time. And the next time I see her, I’ll be sent out to kill her.

    I wipe my tears from my face.

    “Ella, what’s wrong?” Sonya asks.

    I shake my head. “I can’t believe that I got mad at Lisa. Now I might never see her again.”

    “Hey, we will get out of here, Ella. You will make amends with her and she will forgive you.” Sonya says. “You guys are probably the closest siblings I have ever seen. You guys will make up, I promise.”

    I smile. “Thanks, Sonya. But how are we going to get out of here?”

    “The others will think of a plan,” she says.

    “They always do,” Clarice speaks for the first time in a while.

    I nod. “They will find us.”

    Will Lisa find me or is it too late?


  The Sentinels bring us into a lab. It’s white, minus the man wearing a suit. I assume the man is Dr. Campbell. His face looks messed up. I can’t figure out how or why but it is. In front of us is a big screen. It’s not on. I wonder what it’s for. The guard who is forcing me to move has a strong grip on me. I can tell Clarice and Sonya are thinking the same thing as me:

    What the hell is about to happen?

    The screen goes on and I gasp mentally. Lauren and Andy. My best friend and my boyfriend are in some sort of lab clothing in a white room similar to the one that we are in right now. I look around at the scientists in lab coats and I see Dr. Campbell. Then all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Clarice, Sonya and I are the bait. We are here in case Lauren and Andy act up.

    In case they refuse.

    Sonya was the first to find that out.

    Dr. Campbell told Lauren and Andy to hold hands. Like the way they did at the Underground. But they refused. Sonya told them not to listen to Campbell. Campbell this time demanded them to hold hands. They refused.

    Sonya spoke again. “Don’t listen to-”


    Sonya died before she hit the floor.

A final breath of pink dust escapes her before she dies.

    Screams from me, Clarice, Lauren, and Andy come filling through my ears. I try to break free. Try to help Sonya. But it’s far too late. I can’t save her. She died for nothing. She was defending them. Defending us. And she dies. She didn’t deserve it. She didn’t.

Campbell orders the siblings to hold hands again. Even though they know what he is capable of, they refused.

Don’t give in.

Don’t give in.

If he sees your powers, millions of mutants will die.

I feel a arm wrap around my waist. I hold my breath. As I see the terror in my friends’ eyes, I figure out what’s going on before I even look up. Campbell has a gun to my head. The same gun that he used to kill Sonya is on my head. Tears stream down my face. I don’t want to die. But I don’t want others to.

Just A Little Longer || The Gifted FanfictionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara