Chapter 29

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    We found a building to meet up with the others. I sit with Lauren, holding her hand and my head is on her shoulder. I don’t know that I’m ready to see her again. If she actually shows her face. I don’t care about her making me feel like I’m not important.

Everybody I knew always thought of Lisa as the strong one. The one who can actually take care of herself because she was able to take care of me at a young age. But I’m just as strong. No one seems to know but I am strong. Even though I’m super pissed about that, I don’t want to lose the only person that loves me for me. She’s my sister and I feel like her and I being on opposite sides is like losing her as a sister.

    I don’t want to lose her.

    Lorna comes into the building with the Frost sisters and even though she’s hiding, I can see her. I don’t understand why Lorna is joining the Frosts until I finally piece the puzzles together. She can control metal. And I think her father is Magneto, who was apart of the Hellfire Club, which is being re-created by the Frosts. Holy Shit! Lorna turned on us! How did I not see this coming?

    People are starting to be confused and I sit up a little straighter. Lauren looks at me with confusion.

    “I’ll explain later.” I say.

    Lauren nods and looks forward.

    Then people start to stand up and move to their side.

    First Sage.
    Then Fade.
    Then Bulk.

    And the last fucking person I’d expect to get up and move,

    Is my fucking boyfriend.

    Reed gets defensive. “Andy, stay where you are.”

    “You are not taking our son!” Caitlin yells.

    “They’re not taking me.” he says. “It’s my decision. This thing they’re trying to rebuild, the Hellfire Club, it’s something that our family was a part of. And you’re the one who’s always talking about helping people.”

    Lauren looks like she’s going to explode in tears. “A war between humans and mutants isn’t helping people. I can’t let you do this.”

    Everything stops in my head. I don’t hear anyone’s voice. And I’m by myself. This…thing that’s happening between Lauren and Andy is the same thing that happened to me and Lisa that day she saved us. Those exact same words came out of our mouths. All of the promises that I made to Lisa that I’d never change.

The promise that she said to me all those years ago about never hurting me. The promise between Lauren, Andy, me, and Lisa that we’d stay as the “super siblings” when we were younger. We broke them. They are shards of glass on the floor that Andy and I have broken. We’ve changed. Lauren has too. We are mad at our siblings for being who they are and them being dangerous when we are scared of losing them. Like shards of glass.

Well, I’m gonna put them together.

Before the group leaves. I stand up and walk towards them. Lauren grabs my arm.

“No! E, I lost him! I can’t lose you too.” she is in full tears now.

“Ren, look at me. I’m nothing without Lisa. I need to be on her good side if we are going to make up.” I say. “And who else is gonna take care of your brother. Lorna needs to focus on her child and you know Lisa ain’t gonna give a shit about him. I’ll take care of him with all of my heart. I promise.”

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