Chapter 25

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    I can’t sleep. I can’t function the way I want to. I’ve been up for more than twenty-four hours. The Frost Sisters (that’s what they call themselves) came here and asked for our help. The triplet sisters who made my sister turn on me asked us for help? I can’t believe it. I haven’t seen Lisa. She didn’t come and talk to me to see if I was okay. Or at least to explain why she left. I guess I’m that bad of a sister if she doesn’t want to talk to me. If I had a restart button, I’d probably hit it five times. I would restart my life entirely. I wish time travel was possible. I could go back and tell Ella from a few days ago to get ahold of myself.

I love Lisa more than I love anything. And I have a boyfriend, who I have been avoiding for the past few days. She should know that. But the way I left her that night she confessed what she did. The way I yelled at her when she told me she was sorry. I must’ve really hurt her feelings. I did hurt her feelings. Lisa was on her own for a while before she came out of an alleyway one day. I thought I’d never see her again. She explained that she was in a mental hospital. I never could being to understand what she went through.

I’ll never understand what she went though.

Reed thinks that being here isn’t safe for us. That we should leave and do what we were suppose to do in the first place and go to Mexico. I don’t want to go because I feel like I can still find a way to speak to Lisa. But I don’t complain. I know that Lisa doesn’t want to be found. She doesn’t want to be saved by a sister who made her feel like nothing.

Lauren walks up to me. “Hey.”

Lauren is my best friend and I know she wants me to be positive and all, but a girl needs her space. “Hey, Lauren.”

“I don’t get it.” she says.

“Okay,” I say, packing up my clothes and putting it in a bag. “What don’t you get?”

“Your sister works with the Frost sisters and they need the Underground’s help. Why don’t you ask if you could talk to Lisa one last time before leaving?” she asks.

“Listen, Lauren. Lisa doesn’t want to talk to me.” I say. “I yelled at her, said I’d never talk to her again. And now she went and burned guards to a crisp like it was nothing. I know you want me to be fine, but I’m not. You have to accept that.”

“I do,” Lauren starts. “But…despite him being annoying, I couldn’t even imagine not having Andy in my life. I mean, he’s my brother. I don’t think I could live not being able to talk to him or even say hi to him, let alone not being able to never see him.”

“Lauren, siblings do separate at one point of time.” I say. “Whether if it’s one of them going to college before the other or one will settle down and get married, they seperate. Even the closest of siblings will part one day. It just so happens that me and Lisa’s time came early.”

“I understand, E.” Lauren says. “You are strong and you’ll survive.”

I smile. “Thanks Lauren.”

Thanks Lauren but I’m anything but strong. I’m weak. I’m lonely. I’m scared. I’m tired. I don’t want to show it but I’m nothing.

I’m nothing without my sister.


*Nine Years Ago*

    “Lisa, what’s wrong?” Jamie asked me. I was sitting on my bed, crying into my pillow. I didn’t go to school today and had finally decided to not go back. I would need to get a job and try to stabilize me and Ella. It was three and Ella would be around any moment.

    “Nothing.” I sniffled. “I’m fine.”

    Jamie shakes her head. “No, you’re not. Ella should be here any moment. Dry your eyes.” Jamie gives me my blanket and I take it. I rub my eyes dry.

    “Why were you crying? You didn’t go to school today.” Jamie said.

    “And I never will again.” I said.

    “What do you mean?” She asked.

    “I don’t have enough money. I have to get a job or pick-pocket people. I need a way to support her.” I said.

    “Lisa, no! You’re only twelve. No one’s gonna hire you.” She said.    

    “I’ll lie about my age.” I said with no emotion.

    “Lisa, listen. You’re too young. You’re still a kid. Don’t grow up now.” Jamie said.

    I smile gently. “I wish that was the case.”

    “Sis?!” Ella calls out.

    “There’s my cue.” I said. I stand up and look in the mirror to clean myself up. I sigh before walking outside. Ella rushes up to me and hugs me. I squat down to her level and hug her back.

    “Hey, how was school?” I asked.

    “Great! I made a new friend and I drew you this!” Ella squealed and hands me a colorful piece of paper. It showed me in red crayon and her in purple crayon with a huge heart around it and the word sister underneath it.

    “I love it.” I said, smiling. I stand up and walk over to the fridge. I take a magnet and place the drawing up.

    “Now, come on. Let’s get you changed.” I said, grabbing six year old Ella’s hand and walking to her room.

*Present Day*

    Sometimes, no all the time, I wish there was a sign that shows that this world is just waiting to burn up. I could help and I hate helping people. There’s just confusion happening everywhere inside of me as the triplets get pass the perimeters.

Now we’re walking towards the doors that lead to the Mutant Underground. I’ll see everyone there. Every friend, every foe, every family. If, and I can’t believe this, if they truly wanted me back, I hate to say, I’m not going. If they can’t accept my choice to leave, then they don’t accept the real me.

    “What the hell do you want?” Marcos asks, clearly angry. There was the triplets in the center of attention. I stayed behind them but you could clearly see me.

    “Calm down.” Sophie says.

    “No need to get excited.” Phoebe says.

    “We’re just here to talk.” Esme says. I’m glad I’m finally learning who is who.

    “Talk about what?” Marcos asks.

    “We need your help.” We, including me, say. Marcos looks at me for the first time to first see shock and then anger. Great, the news has spread around. I smile sarcastically at him. I looked different, I knew that. I had my glasses on and my hair up, something I never did.

    We explained to them about the Hound Program and how it’s expanding. They said they would think about it and we were going to leave. I look to the left to see Ellana looking at me. I quickly turn my eyes away. This was my old life. Ellana was part of my old life. I need to move forward. We walk out of the building and the minute I sit in the car, I couldn’t help but feel my heart break.

I look out the window as the trees move past fast. I place my arm on the window and place my finger in my mouth and biting it to stop myself from crying. I brush my little hairs away from my eyes and look into the rear-view mirror to see Esme peaking up at me. Our eyes meet for a second before I look away.

All of these moments had brushed past me like the trees brushing past the car. I remember when I had called Ellana being scared that she used her powers. I remember showing Caitlin my powers. Meeting Marcos for the first time. Having a dream for the first time with Esme. Beating Ella in a video game. All these happy moments that had all ran by me so fast.

And I had no way to make them stop and slow down.

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