Chapter 10

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    I officially can’t play video games anymore. I can’t play anymore. It’s just too much for me. Too intense. And Lisa beat me like twenty times. Lisa beat me. That rarely happens. I guess I lost my touch. Well, no. I’ve been of my game lately. Ever since the kiss, I can’t think straight. I know it only happened yesterday but it’s still etched in my brain. I don’t know if I should tell Andy if I like him or not. I feel like that’s unnecessary since his dad is in major trouble.

    Scott and Andy start playing against each other while I hang out with Lauren, who is on Instagram, looking for her boyfriend. Lisa is taking a nap on the floor.

    “Always knew you were a beast at Medal of Honor, but now you're, like, the beast of real life, too.” Scott says to Andy. “You know what I'm gonna call you now? De-Struckto. Get it? It's like Strucker.”

    “Yeah, I get it. Please don't.” Andy says.

    “Could you, like, destroy a skyscraper?” Scott asks. All I know is that I can.

    “Uh, I don't know. Probably not. Here, cover my flank. I'm going in.” Andy says, focusing more on the game.

“I got you, De-Struckto.” Scott says. That’s not gonna catch on.

“Dude, really?” Andy says, annoyed.

“What about, like, a jumbo jet?” Scott asks. I roll my eyes. If he doesn’t want to talk about it than he doesn’t have to.

“Man, I'm trying to play.” Andy says. “Why would I even want to destroy a plane?”

“I don't know. Like, if it was attacking you or something.” Scott explains.

“Attacking me with what? Luggage? Jumbo jets don't have guns.” Andy fires back.

The voice on the screen says “Game Over” and Andy is very disappointed.

“Great. First game in weeks, and it's a total slaughter. This is gonna kill our ranking.” he says.

I hum to myself. This whole video game thing is getting boring.

“Dude, who cares? I need to see what you can do. Come on, just do something to this. Please?” Scott asks. He puts an old trophy on the table.

“No. I don't-I can't just do it out of nowhere.” Andy says.

“Andy. You can't do it at all.” Lauren says.

“Yeah, you really suck when it comes to powers.” I say.

Lauren looks to Scott. “Don't encourage him.”

“Go back to Insta-stalking Jack.” Andy snaps towards her. He gives me an “I hate you” look.

Lauren rolls her eyes and I ignore him. We go back to look at the tablet that Lauren was using. We both see something that shocks us.

“Oh, my God.” Lauren exclaims. I gasp.

“What? What's wrong?” Andy asks.

“It's nothing, okay?” Lauren says pulling the tablet closer to her. You are my best friend in the entire world but you are a terrible liar.

“Hey, what is it?!” he yells. He basically forces her to show the tablet.

“It's our house. That's Lucas. We've been going to school with him - since second grade.” he says.

“Hey, Andy, they're just stupid kids. It doesn't matter.” she explains.

The room starts to shake. Andy’s face is filled with hurt and pain. His anger I guess goes in to the trophy. It bends in half and it looks so distorted. Everytime I see him and his powers, it kinda gives me goosebumps. And I thought I was a demon.

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