Chapter 8

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    Being a runaway is one thing. Being a runaway that also has to be apart of a group of people who are trying to save someone. That’s a whole ‘nother thing. The adults are arguing about how we should save some chick named Lorna from prison. But now, come to think of it, I think that Lorna is Marcos’ girlfriend. Aww. I regret thinking everything that I was thinking before. I mean someone should at least have happiness with someone that they love dearly. I mean, if I can’t be with Andy, then Marcos should be reunited with Lorna.

    Lisa is laying on one of the beds reading an out-of-date magazine, while I’m sitting next to Lauren, who is about to start to play Monopoly with Andy. The board is dirty and old but it’s okay. It’s better than nothing.

    But I don’t think Andy feels the same way. “This is the jankiest board ever. I’m pretty sure that money had mold on it.”

    “Okay that’s not mold.” Lauren says.

    “It’s so mold.” Lisa says, watching us.

    Lauren tries to prove us wrong by picking up the play money. Noticing that Lisa and Andy were right, she puts down the money quickly.

    “It’s mold.” she says.

    “Told ya.” Lisa points out. She has gone into weird watchdog mode ever since the kiss. I understand that she’s my sister and she’s protecting me, but it’s not like I kissed him. He kissed me. And that’s final.

    “So uh, I guess since the tens are all stuck together,” Andy starts. “I figure we use the ones as tens and the little paper nubs, will be the ones.”

    “Doesn’t matter to me. I’m gonna win it all anyway.” Lauren says.

    “Sure. Remember last time?’ he asks.

    “Oh, when I let you win?” Lauren says. “It’s not your birthday anymore.”

    “Just ‘cause of her determination, my money’s on Lauren.” Lisa says.

    “Same here.” I say. “Sorry Andy.”

    He doesn't look at me. He just shrugs. The silent treatment, really? He looks at Lauren. “Just pick your piece.”

    I roll my eyes. I can’t believe he’s being super petty right now. I mean he was the one who kissed me. He didn’t have to do that. Ugh, boys are so confusing.

    “I’ll be nickel.” she says, picking up the at least ten-year-old piece.

    “I think I’m gonna be the shoe.” Andy says, picking it up and placing it on the board.

    “No.” Lauren says, grabbing the shoe piece and putting it back in the box. “You can’t be the shoe. Be the bottle cap.”

    “What do you mean? I just called the shoe.” Andy says.

    “I don’t care.” Lauren says. “Put it back.”

    “Guys,” I start.

    The siblings ignore me. “What’s your problem, psycho?” Andy asks.

    “Dad’s always the shoe.” Lauren says.

    The room gets eerily silent.

    “Okay. Yeah.” Andy says.

    It’s official. We are a broken family.


   I don’t know why Lauren low-key ships me with Andy. Wait, let me rephrase that. I don’t know why the universe low-key ships me with Andy. If Andy was in his twenties and actually Lisa’s type, I wouldn’t want him to date her. Not because he’s like an annoying little brother to her, but because I want him for myself. Super selfish, I know. But it’s true.

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