Chapter 9

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    The sun blinds my eyes as we are walking, trying not to be noticed. We hide ourselves whenever a police car drives by.

    “We can’t just hike the whole way” Lauren says. “Uncle Danny lives, like, all the way across town.”

    “We need a cab.” Andy suggests.

    “To Buckhead?” Caitlin asks. “I have about enough cash to get us to the tree there.” she points to a tree that is about two feet away. “And with our bank accounts frozen.” I start to yawn because of how tired I am.

    “Well, why don’t I just unfreeze them?” Andy says.

    I stop mid-yawn and I give Andy a “what the hell is wrong with you” look.

    Caitlin looks like she’s about to give the same look too. “Wait. Are you suggesting we should rob a bank?”

    “Yeah.” Andy says, casually.

    “Good job, buddy!” Lisa says, clapping. “Finally doing something useful!”

    Caitlin turns to Lisa. “We are not about to encourage my son to rob a bank.”

    Lisa makes a pout face. “Fine.”

    “Mom, why should we have to hold back when nobody else does?” Andy asks.

    “Because people could get hurt.” Caitlin says. “And because we don’t rob banks.”

Lauren walks up to her brother. “Andy, if we are ever gonna have a chance of a normal life again…”  

He cuts her off. “Normal? Lauren you got to be kidding me.”

I sigh to myself. He has some anger issues Dr. Phil can’t even fix.

“Normal is gone!’ he yells. “Normal doesn’t exist anymore!” But were we ever normal?

And of course, the destructive child who hasn’t learned his powers yet, destroys about five parking meters. They explode and fall to the ground and the coins fall, rolling around.. I kinda back up, startled. I never seen his powers like that. He just destroyed the meters in one graceful move. It’s kinda scary.

“There.” he says, upset. “Cab fare. The bank’s safe. Happy?” He turns around and gives me a death stare. I shiver.

I would not want to be his next parking meter.


e finally make it to Lauren and Andy’s uncle’s house. We actually picked up the coins from the parking meters that Andy destroyed and used it for a cab. I don’t know how the hell that would work, but it did, sort of.

Caitlin turns around to see the cab driver counting the coins that don’t mean that much in terms of money.

“I think he’s still counting coins.” Lauren says.

“Yeah he’s not happy about the coins.” Caitlin says. She turns around to knock on the door. Danny opens the door and sees us. He is full of worry and excitement. I haven’t seen him in years. I guess I’m family when it comes to the Strucker’s. So when Danny hugs me, I can feel the concern, the worry.

“Thank God you’re okay.” he says. “I’m sorry we didn’t call.”

“Can we come in?” Caitlin asks.

“The police were here. Do you have any idea how much trouble your in?” he asks.

“Yes, I do.” Caitlin says. “Please, Danny.”

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