Chapter 13

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4 years ago

I hear screams. It's 2:00 in the morning and I wake up from sleeping at Lauren's. It's only been two months since I met Lauren and Andy. Andy has been getting nightmare lately. Nothing is working. Caitlin and Reed have been trying their best to fix him. Nothing.

"What's going on?"a thirteen year old Lauren says.

"I think it's Andy again." I say.

"But mom and dad aren't home." Lauren says. "What are we going to do?"

I sigh. "Maybe I should go help him."

"Okay, but the nightmare's aren't going to stop." she says.

"We can at least try." I say.

Lauren sighs but gets out of bed. I get up out of the sleeping bag that I was sleeping in. We walk out of her room and we go to Andy's room.

He's screaming and crying. I walk up to his bed and I try to wake him up.

"Andy. Andy!" I say. "Wake up. It's me, Ella!" Oh, Ella. Even at eleven, you are still full of hope.

He wakes up from his nightmare. His breathing is shaky and his eyes are filled with tears.

"Hey buddy." Lauren says. "Are you okay?"

He nods slowly.

"Okay. Are you going to be able to sleep again?" she asks.

He shakes his head. "I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep on my own."

I turn to Lauren. "How about you go to sleep? I'll take care of him."

"Are you sure?" she asks.

I nod. "I'll be fine."

Lauren gets up and walks back to her room.

"Lay back down." I tell Andy.

He obeys, laying down on his bed. I lay down next to him. "Are you going to be okay?"

He nods. "Why are you so nice to me?"

"You're my friend." I say. "You and I are always going to stick together. Always. I promise."

He smiles. I lean forward and give him a kiss on the forehead, not knowing what I was doing.

I have kept my promise so far.

Present Day

We are watching all of the adults argue on trying to get Reed and Lorna back. And how we can get them back.

"We know that Lorna is being held in a cell at the Sentinel Services Regional Headquarters." John starts. "We believe that Reed Strucker is there with her. They're being moved soon to an ultrasecure facility. And we don't know much about it, except that the people who go don't come back. That's why we got to move now. And I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. We're talking about attacking the Sentinel Services."

I feel like my heart drops to my feet. I understand that there are high stakes here. I do. But I don't think that attacking Sentinel Services is necessary.

Everybody else starts mumbling.

"We lost six people the last time we went up against them directly." Sage, one of the mutant leaders in charge says.

"I know that better than anyone." John says. "It won't be like last time."

"You're right." Sage corrects. "Last time, we just hit a relocation center with a fence and some guard towers. This time it's a prison. Their systems have improved. Extrapolating from other attacks, we've got an 86.5% chance of failure."

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