Chapter 27

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    Day three and still no sleep. Seventy-two hours and I haven’t even closed my eyes yet. I’m not even trying to stay awake. It’s like a new habit now. I feel so bland and weak. I’m in a car that the Stuckers used to go to see Ellen Strucker at her job. They want to figure out if she knows anything about Otto and his work with Trask. Reed and Caitlin told me, Andy, and Lauren to stay outside in case the Sentinels come. I stay in the car so no one can bother me.

    I’m apparently not the only one who’s having sibling problems. Andy and Lauren are arguing outside. Ironically, they are arguing about me.

    Their voices are muffled but I can still hear them pretty well.

    “Andy, leave her alone. She has gone through too much.”

    “Okay…but she’s my girlfriend. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“She lost her sister. We can’t even begin to understand how she feels.”

“Lauren look at her! She hasn’t slept in three days! She looks awful. We should help her!”

Aww, so sweet. My best friend and my boyfriend really care about me.

“That’s it. I’m going to see if she’s okay.” Andy says. He walks to the car and opens the door. He sits on seat next to mine. I decided to sit in one of the back seats so no one could really bother me. I don’t look at Andy when he gets in the car.

“Ella, are you okay?’ he asks.

I don’t look at him. “Why? Oh, because of my new eyeshadow?” I point to my eye bags which are very black. “You don’t like them? I know I do.”

“Elle, I don’t want to worry you, but I think you’re becoming sick.” Andy says.

“Actually, I’m not.” I say in a monotone voice. “If I was sick, I’d be coughing and sneezing.”

“I mean mentally sick.” he says.

I scoff. “Why do you think that? Cause I haven’t slept in seventy-two hours? Because I haven’t smiled since my sister left? Because I’ve been avoiding you? Is that why, because that’s not being mental. That’s just darkness creeping into me, Andy.”

“I just want to make sure you’re okay.” he says. He tries to grab my hand but I move them away from him.

“You just want to know I’m okay?” I ask. “I’m okay. There. Are you happy?”

“Ella, you were never like this. You were the reason things were fun. You made me and Lauren laugh all the time. You were the joy of our friend group.” Andy wants me to go back to being happy and joyful? Since when did he become optimistic? “And now you are always so moody and upset. I don’t understand why you became the way you are.”

“You don’t understand?” I scoff again. “Oh right, you still have a sister. Talk to me when you lost Lauren and I’ll get back to you.”

“Ella, I’m sorry.” he says. “I really am. Please know that.”

“You know I tried keeping you alive yesterday? Tried keeping you from not being unconscious. I help you and you don’t even thank me.” I say. “This is why I’m like this. People say they’ll love you forever. Never hurt you. Always be there for you. But then when the going gets tough, you guys get scared and run away like little bitches. And now I’m alone with no one to be there for me.” Tears fall down my eyes. I thought I couldn’t cry anymore. I cried so much, I thought my eyes would dry out.

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