Chapter 11

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I wake up. No one is awake yet. I sigh. Ever since we’ve been on the run, I wake up, praying that this is a dream. It’s not. But I guess that’s okay. It means I can bond better with Lisa and Lauren. I lay back down but I don’t close my eyes. I don’t know how we are going to find Reed but all I know that we gotta find him before something happens. I can hear Caitlin downstairs talking to someone. I listen closely to figure out who it is. I hear a familiar man’s voice and I know it’s not Danny.

Oh God, John’s here.

“Lauren,” I whisper. “Wake up.”

Lauren groans but doesn’t argue. “Ella, what’s wrong?”

“John’s here. I think Marcos is too.” I say.

“Wait, what?” Lisa says, still on the floor. “How did they find us?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I’m gonna figure out what they are saying.” I quietly get out of bed and tiptoe to the door and open it a crack.

“You can’t just break in.” a muffled Caitlin says.

“You don’t understand-” John starts.

“Yes, I do,” Caitlin says, cutting off John.

“Ella, what’s happening?” Lisa whispers loudly.

“Shh. I think that they are arguing about something.” I say.

“What could they be arguing about?” Lisa asks.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because we are fugitives and we left the one place we can actually be safe in because Caitlin wanted to.” I say.

“Hey, we chose to go with her.” Lisa points out.

“Actually I wanted to stay at the Underground,” I say.

“Whatever,” I say.

“What’s going on?” Andy asks, waking up.

“John and Marcos, the guys that helped us yesterday are here,” I say.

“What, why?” he asks.

“Hell, if I know,” I answered.

Things start to get intense between Caitlin, John, and Marcos.

“Guys, we need to go,” Marcos says. “If we can find you-others can too.”

Now Danny is in on the conversation. “Cait, what’s going on?”

“Ella, what now?” Lauren asks.

“Danny is in the situation,” I answer. “He sounds confused. Concerned. He is now mad that Caitlin invited John and Marcos in. He says ‘You bring mutants into my home?’ Caitlin lies and says that the only mutants that she brought in to the house are Lauren, Andy and me.”

“We should go down there.” Scott is talking now.

“Why?” I ask.

“Oh my God. Guys, check outside!” Lisa says.

“Great. People.” I say.

“What? That means more people to burn.” Lisa says.

“No one knows your a mutant, Lisa.” I remind her.

“So?” she says.

I roll my eyes. “Scott’s right, we should go downstairs.” I open the door and we all walk downstairs.

“Who did you tell that you were coming?” Danny asks worry and anger in his voice.

“No one.” Caitlin says. No one knows where we are since that night.

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