Chapter 16

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    Someone’s dying. Someone is bleeding out on a table and dying. We are looking for supplies to help him. His name is Harry. He got shot by Sentinels when we were out trying to save Lorna and Reed. And they got him bad.

    “Are there more I.V. bags?” Caitlin asks. I shake my head and start looking for one. Lisa, Lauren and Andy look for one too.

    But Andy as usual has to be a boy about it. “You mean, those water things, or the yellow pee-looking ones?”

    Lauren says something before I could. “Could you be any more gross?”

    “You really want to ask me that?” he asks, laughing.

    Lisa walks up to me. “And you fell in love with him how?” she mumbles.

    “Shut up,” I joke, laughing. Lisa laughs with me.

Andy walks to his mom. “Um, I think we’re out of both.” He looks at Harry. “Is he going to be okay?”

“I’m not even sure more saline would help,” Caitlin says. “We need actual blood.”

“What are we going to do?” I whisper to Lisa.

Lisa slowly comes closer to me. “I…am not…a nurse.”

I mock her. “I…know that.”

“Hey, I’m O negative,” Andy says. “It’s a universal donor right?”

I whip my head towards my boyfriend. How the hell does he know what type blood he is? I don’t even know what blood type I am.  

“Andy.” Lauren says. I can tell that she is just as shocked as me.

“What, are you surprised I actually remember something from biology?” he asks.

“No, I am,” she says.

“I’m sure as hell surprised,” Lisa whispers to me.

I know I’m suppose to be defending Andy right now but seriously? How does he remember that?

Caitlin sighs. “Okay. Come here, put your sleeve up.”

Wow. This is about to be a real life Grey’s Anatomy scene.


  Harry is losing his blood, and his time. We don’t have the proper materials and we don’t have enough time to get them. Caitlin got the bullet out but the blood won’t stop. More and more blood was spurting out and the more blood that comes out, the more Lisa gags. She’s not used to blood. Even though her powers can kill, they won’t expose blood since the person charred up or melted. Harry is trying to keep himself together. Caitlin believes that his artery could’ve been exploded. But Caitlin can’t be for sure how to stop it from killing Harry.

    “Where’s the artery?” Lauren asks.

    Caitlin stutters. I can tell that she doesn’t want her daughter to do what she’s about to do.

    “Just show me the artery!” Lauren yells.

    “O-okay,” Caitlin says, opening up Harry’s stomach.

    “Ugh. Oh My God!” Lisa says, gagging. “This is so gross!” She turns away from the scene and stares at the wall. I pat her on the shoulder, still looking at the Caitlin-Lauren tag team.

    Lauren uses on of her shields to hold in the pressure of the artery that is causing all of the blood. After that, Caitlin stitches Harry up and he calms down.

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